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Plugin works on Xamarin.Android project but won't work with Xamarin.Forms #6

Open fabiobh opened 6 years ago

fabiobh commented 6 years ago

I try to use the plugin in a new Project using Xamarin.Android and it works for me.

But if I try to use Xamarin Forms, the plugin won't work. I see the MainApplication.cs file is not created when I use Xamarin Forms.

In Xamarin.Android the MainApplication.cs file appears inside the Droid project.

Any idea of how to make this work on Xamarin Forms?

cassionandi commented 6 years ago

Same problem here.

decv86 commented 6 years ago

Will fixes?

Randys58 commented 5 years ago

Any progress on compatibility with Xamarin.Forms on Android? The plugin doesn't work for me either.

decv86 commented 5 years ago

think rep die...

Any progress on compatibility with Xamarin.Forms on Android? The plugin doesn't work for me either. think rep die...