alexrainman / ModernHttpClient

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System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLSocketFactoryInvoker'. #66

Closed desaishrey90 closed 3 years ago

desaishrey90 commented 4 years ago

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLSocketFactoryInvoker'. at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers.AssertSelf (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable self) [0x00029] in <4085581b59834ca7b70d8a8fb4322f71>:0 at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers+JniInstanceMethods.InvokeAbstractObjectMethod (System.String encodedMember, Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable self, Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue* parameters) [0x00000] in <4085581b59834ca7b70d8a8fb4322f71>:0 at Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLSocketFactoryInvoker.CreateSocket (Java.Net.Socket s, System.String host, System.Int32 port, System.Boolean autoClose) [0x00078] in :0 at ModernHttpClient.TlsSslSocketFactory.CreateSocket (Java.Net.Socket s, System.String host, System.Int32 port, System.Boolean autoClose) [0x00000] in <4bb329b36d5a40fd81d41dfcbe963b33>:0 at Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLSocketFactory.n_CreateSocket_Ljava_net_Socket_Ljava_lang_String_IZ (System.IntPtr jnienv, System.IntPtr native__this, System.IntPtr native_s, System.IntPtr native_host, System.Int32 port, System.Boolean autoClose) [0x00019] in :0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) Android.Runtime.DynamicMethodNameCounter.538(intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,int,bool)

I am seeing this error occurring in Android 4.4.3 devices. However, its not occurring in other OS versions.

I am on v 3.4.2 of the package. I see that there is v3.4.3 available but cannot find the fix in its release notes. Is there any fix available for this?

alexrainman commented 4 years ago

Can you help me to reproduce this issue?

desaishrey90 commented 4 years ago

This error is thrown randomly, there is no common pattern. I have seen it in Android OS 4.4.3 only so far.