alexrintt / lichess.dart

Lichess client for Dart.
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

Add contributing guide #17

Open alexrintt opened 1 year ago

alexrintt commented 1 year ago

That's the old one, use for reference:

## Contributing

These steps are required to setup your local environment for development.

### Base environment

This package is based on Dart:

Dart SDK version: 2.19.2 (stable) (Tue Feb 7 18:37:17 2023 +0000) on "windows_x64"

### Getting started

> **Warning** 
> Before starting, remember to put your personal token in a file called `.env` in the project root; use `.env.example` as template, you may already know, but never let this token leak, and if it does, [revoke it immediately](

This package uses code generation from `retrofit` and `freezed` package, so first off run:

# Get deps.
dart pub get

# Start generating code and watch for code changes.
dart pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Now, when there are no more errors due missing generated code, run the example:

dart bin/lichess_client_dio.dart