alexrochas / i3-workspace-rollback

i3-wm plugin to rollback to last focused workspace
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Already implemented in i3? #3

Closed javier-lopez closed 8 years ago

javier-lopez commented 8 years ago


I'm not sure if I understood correctly the plugin functionality, if I did then I think this is already implemented in i3 through the workspace_auto_back_and_forth option.

When enabled if I move between workspaces, eg: 1 -> 3 (Win+3) and then 3 -> 8 (Win + 8) if I press Win + 8 on this scenario I'll get back to the 3rd Workspace which was the last visited workspace.

If this plugin provides another functionality just ignore the comment :nerd_face:

alexrochas commented 8 years ago


strange you say that, I didn't know this functionality was already in i3. Believe? =x I did something a little different, added (at first) Mod4+z (or in future some configurable key) as trigger key.

And the implemented rollback is an stack so will rollback indefinitely, like an text editor. (I did't understand if i3 do this)

What do you think about? May be util? Thanks for reply. =)

javier-lopez commented 8 years ago

Ok, I got it, the Mod4+z shotcut makes sense now =), AFAIK i3 workspace_auto_back_and_forth option will only save the last workspace so you won't be able to move further in the history, so I think this plugin could be useful in setups where you've plenty of workspaces and they're not categorized.