alexrothenberg / motion-addressbook

MIT License
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fix for iOS 10 #85

Closed Watson1978 closed 8 years ago

Watson1978 commented 8 years ago

1) fix comparing the version The string comparing does not work as you expected.

irb(main):001:0> "9.3" >= "6"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> "10" >= "6"
=> false

2) add app.info_plist['NSContactsUsageDescription'] for authorization

markrickert commented 8 years ago

Looks good to me. @alexrothenberg can you merge, bump, and release a new version?

alexrothenberg commented 8 years ago

Done. Released as

Sadly I'm not doing any rubymotion work now and my new laptop isn't setup with RubyMotion. I've added both of you (@Watson1978 & @markrickert) with the commit bit to this repo. And I added @Watson1978 as an owner in rubygems (I couldn't get it to work with the email on @markrickert's github profile - but would be happy to add you too if there's another email that works).

Please feel free to do what you think is right without me in the future. I'm still happy to click the github and rubygems buttons but am not adding any value since I can't run the code.

Watson1978 commented 8 years ago

Could you please merge this pull request for iOS 10 ?

Watson1978 commented 8 years ago

@alexrothenberg thank you for adding me in owners :)

alexrothenberg commented 8 years ago

oops did I bump and release without merging. :embarrassed:

Thanks for cleaning that up!