alexrozanski / LlamaChat

Chat with your favourite LLaMA models in a native macOS app
MIT License
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Feature request: custom initial prompt #17

Open juliendargelos opened 1 year ago

juliendargelos commented 1 year ago

Really cool project, thank you so much !

Could the chat context be customized by the user ? Each conversation could have its own context configuration and be tuned from the settings

alexrozanski commented 1 year ago

Hey @juliendargelos, yep, this is planned!

Duplicate of #13

juliendargelos commented 1 year ago

Hi, I just noticed the last release including hyperparameters, thanks ! It did not include the change I was hoping for though: what I meant in my first message was being able to change the initial prompt of a conversation, is this also planned ?

alexrozanski commented 1 year ago

Ahh gotcha, yep, that's a good suggestion, will see if I can fit this into v1.3