alexrozanski / PXSourceList

Source List control for the Mac
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Keep selected items highlighted with blue even when lost focus #38

Closed UXDart closed 10 years ago

UXDart commented 10 years ago

subject ^, when the control lost focus it shows as gray, I want to keep the blue highlight color. any idea how to do that?


alexrozanski commented 10 years ago

You mean the selection looks like this?


That's standard behaviour controlled by NSOutlineView when the source list isn't the key view. I think you'd have to do some work with NSTableRowViews to get the behaviour that you want.

UXDart commented 10 years ago

yes, it shows like "disabled blue". I found a way overwritten highlightSelectionInClipRect: method, but for some reason it works in the sample project and in my project the method highlightSelectionInClipRect is never called... just to be sure I copy paste the control from the sample to my project and it never gets called... any idea?


UXDart commented 10 years ago

oh... I think it is because the default sample is cell based.