alexrusin / nextjs-cognito-auth

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SRP_AUTH secret hash issue #2

Open p-monty opened 1 month ago

p-monty commented 1 month ago

I plugged in my client id and user pool id but I now get this message when I attempt to login.

[Don't have an account? Sign up.](http://localhost:3000/auth/signup)
Client {userPoolClientId} is configured with secret but SECRET_HASH was not received

Wondering if this is expected? the start of your video you said to ensure SRP_AUTH was set so hoping this is easily workable :)

Edit: I'll add that I am not deploying any amplify backend stuff. Just have an existing nextjs app that I want to be able to login using a cognito user pool i have setup. Running yours at the moment instead of my nextjs while I attempt to see if this is feasible.

acidjunk commented 2 weeks ago

For me it only works with a client_id that doens't have a secret.

Not secure enough for prod!

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