alexsanjoseph / compareDF

R Tool to compare two data.frames
93 stars 17 forks source link

Throw warning on identical table rather than error #7

Closed condwanaland closed 6 years ago

condwanaland commented 6 years ago

Awesome package! For automated report generation, it would be really helpful if check_if_comparable and check_if_similar_after_unique_and_reorder (and friends) would throw a warning rather than an error. This allows batches of reports to continue if some data hasn't changed.

Is this something you'd consider implementing. If you're very busy I could try sending the pull request myself

alexsanjoseph commented 6 years ago

Hi @condwanaland - Thanks for the praise and suggestions. I'll implement them soon :)

alexsanjoseph commented 6 years ago

@condwanaland - I've updated the packages. Can you do a dev install and see if it works? It'll be uploaded to CRAN soon.

condwanaland commented 6 years ago

@alexsanjoseph Thanks for much for the quick update! Just been testing it, it all seems to be working as far as I can tell. Tested on a wide variety of datasets.

A CRAN upload would be greatly appreciated, as work blocks me from doing github installs :)

alexsanjoseph commented 6 years ago

I've uploaded the package to CRAN. You should see it in effect now. Just out of curiosity - can you tell me what features do you use in the package? Is this the comparison function or rendering of the HTML?

condwanaland commented 6 years ago

I basically build systems that automatically clean and check data for quality. So I use the comparison function in essentially every report I build. More often than not I'll then generate the html output as its great for the non-technical members of my team to inspect, but it does depend on the dataset

alexsanjoseph commented 6 years ago

Got it! thanks for the info :). Closing the issue