alexscheelmeyer / node-phantom

bridge to PhantomJS from Node.js
317 stars 117 forks source link

Is this abandoned? #70

Closed benjamind closed 10 years ago

benjamind commented 10 years ago

There's some good pull requests that have been sitting here for many months now.

I'm actually using this in a production project, and need the pull requests, I've resorted to making my own repository to apply the patches, but I would much prefer for another official release with pull requests included.

@alexscheelmeyer can you find the time to merge some of these and push a new version? Specifically issue #68 could really do with being merged as it causes random failures that are hard to debug.

If you don't have the time perhaps you could ask a couple of the people who've filed requests to be collaborators?

alexscheelmeyer commented 10 years ago

No it is not abandoned. But you are right in that I am pretty pressed for time. Actually I have some time right now and will look at the issue you mention right away.

benjamind commented 10 years ago

Fair enough thats great to hear!
