alexshelto / reddit_video_maker

This project will find popular Reddit threads and convert them into a text-to-speech videos.
GNU General Public License v3.0
74 stars 13 forks source link

Issue #001: Text to Speech Voice #3

Open alexshelto opened 3 years ago

alexshelto commented 3 years ago

We need to find a library that can create text to speech audio, but be able to change the voice of the speaker. This as well as how fast they speak.

piyushkumargithub commented 3 years ago

I quickly went through requirements and saw it is using gtts. Instead by using pyttsx3 we can choose voice and also increase or decrease speed as per requirement. Also it's my first comment on git hub ever hope I didn't let you down. If you give a green flag i will try working on it.