alexshyba / SitecoreSearchContrib

Extension to Sitecore.Search namespace. Includes AdvancedDatabaseCrawler and Searcher. Make sure to check out the website for the project.
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Installation Question #28

Closed mariellamontoni closed 11 years ago

mariellamontoni commented 11 years ago


I am trying to install ADC in Sitecore 6.6. I used NuGet and it said it installed susscefully but all I see is the dlls for Crawlers and Searcher in the References folder and a scSearchContrib.Crawler.config.example in the \Website\App_Config\Include. I don't the demo module under sitecore modules/web. I did also downloaded the source and tried to build it based on the instructions of the site. It build fine but when i tried to browse it, i got an error saying that it can't read the web.config. When i looked at the web.confi not much was there... which I think is suspicious... Sorry for this probably very newbie questions.

Thanks, Mariella.

mariellamontoni commented 11 years ago


i was able to resolve my issues. Thank you.