alexsleat / projectChimaera

Rinzler is an exceptionally skilled warrior and is the elite combatant in all games in the Grid.
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Pipe Following Proof #69

Closed GarethG closed 12 years ago

GarethG commented 12 years ago

The judges will need proof that we've tracked the pipe so during a run save an image with a cross hair on the pipe or some other meaningful display that shows we found it intelligently

ianphil397 commented 12 years ago

Could use some MV techniques, establish a blob for the pipe and highlight it in red or something.

Wurbledood commented 12 years ago

Need to establish when is a good time to save an image of the pipe (make sure the image shows the best) Take several throughout the run based on a counter (every X frames save an image), allow the counter value to be adjusted in the config file.

Wurbledood commented 12 years ago

Do we want to save a copy of the thresholded image as well, or will the input image with edges, centre and angle be good enough?