alextrv / enhanced-h264ify

A Firefox/Chrome extension that blocks video and audio codecs you have chosen on YouTube
MIT License
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60fps video #5

Open a92pnow opened 3 years ago

a92pnow commented 3 years ago

The Block 60fps video option blocks 1080p and higher resolutions

folvos commented 3 years ago

60fps not working on 1080p or higher res only till 720p

Himmler commented 3 years ago

I can confirm the same. If " Block 60fps" option is enabled - 1080p and higher resolutions are unavailable. Only 720p and lower.

Jon-guy30 commented 3 years ago

Please update this extension. Firefox lags with 60 fps videos, I can watch 4K but not 4K60, which I can in Chromium (Edge). I'm not using chromium.

OscarL commented 3 years ago

I am just another user, but I want to add my 2 cents.

If you block 60FPS videos using this addon, and you can't play higher than 720p videos anymore... it is likely because YouTube it self ONLY has 60FPS encoded files for those higher res videos.

You can confirm this yourself by using "youtube-dl -F URL_OF_THE_VIDEO". Let's see an example (redacted for brevity):

247          webm       1280x720  720p 1552k , vp9, 30fps, video only, 603.57MiB
302          webm       1280x720  720p60 3321k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 896.05MiB
298          mp4        1280x720   720p60 3386k , avc1.4d4020, 60fps, video only, 612.13MiB
299          mp4        1920x1080  1080p60 5787k , avc1.64002a, 60fps, video only, 1.87GiB
303          webm       1920x1080  1080p60 5852k , vp9, 60fps, video only, 1.77GiB
136          mp4        1280x720   720p 7594k , avc1.4d401f, 30fps, video only, 1.16GiB

Notice that the two available streams with 1080 video are BOTH 60FPS, and you just blocked that. You are, thus, not getting anything other than 720, max (the VP9 encoded one, or the h264 one for almost double the size).

So... Unless I'm missing something, this addon is NOT AT FAULT, and it can't do anything about YouTube not providing videos in 1080+ res other than the 60FPS ones.

Edit: IMO this issue should be closed as "invalid" or something alike.

verdy-p commented 7 hours ago

Isn't there a codec that can chain existing 60fps codec with an input frame rate reduction?

(i.e. basic data filtering even if the downloaded stream is still emitted at 60fps, but at least this would just discard the unnecessary streams without attempting to decode them, using too much CPU just because the GPU graphics driver does not support this rate for the mp4 or webm codecs and the CPU cannot handle such load).

Or may be this does not require any plugin in the browser, but instead installing alternate codecs on Windows which could implement such framerate reduction while still accepting a 60fps input stream. All installed Codecs on Windows are supposed to be installed with a predefined but tunable preference metric, when multiple codecs have the same capabilities, and users shuold be able to tune this order of preference without disabling any one of them, as long as their expose the correct cabilities and do not exhaust available hardware CPU/GPU or memory resources, that they should inspect prior to accepting the load.

Such user preferences are also useful if differtent codecs have the same capabilities nad similar performances, but one of them has quirks/limitations for which users may be more or less sensitive with (specific drivers may be causing undesired noises, or poor color fidelity, or poor contrast, or insufficient digitizing noise reduction, or when some physical display surfaces have a too narrow gamut, or when users needs color adapation to their effective vision, or when the dislpay driver does not offer the correct tuning for such adaptation, or drivers have internal problems with color conversion e.g. from Yuv or YCbCr to sRGB, or when the physical display, such as a videoprojector, is not fully compliant to sRGB and use a different gamut with a color model that the driver does not handle well without creatign too visible artefacts like saturated area or visible "moiré" effects in space dimensions, or too visible flickering when approximating colors within the time dimension, or when the driver implement a too simplistic static set of dithering masks to adapt the colorspaces to another gamut).

In such case, it should be advized to install another set of codecs, possibly better optimized for the CPU or GPU capabilities ad with more accurate spacial and time precision. This should howover no longer be needed with modern GPUs from nVidia, ATI and even Intel as they all handle correctly WebM/VP8/VP9, as well as MP4/H.264 (some also support H.265 and Ogg/Video and still support legacy AV1, and legacy Adobe Flash video formats).