alextselegidis / easyappointments

:date: Easy!Appointments - Self Hosted Appointment Scheduler
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.38k stars 1.28k forks source link

Support multiple Bootswatch themes for the app. #1205

Closed alextselegidis closed 2 years ago

alextselegidis commented 2 years ago

Alex Tselegidis, Easy!Appointments Creator
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skylarmt commented 2 years ago

Will this be configurable with a URL parameter? I embed the public appointment page in iframes on a couple different websites, so it would be great if I can adjust the iframe URL to get a better color/theme match.

alextselegidis commented 2 years ago


Will this be configurable with a URL parameter?

That was not originally the plan, but that would be a good addition for the booking indeed.

I've added that too.

Alex Tselegidis, Easy!Appointments Creator
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