alexwalterbos / nlp_fake_news

Group repository for the IN4325 NLP project group NLP_Fake_News
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[Deliverable] Project Proposal #1

Closed alexwalterbos closed 6 years ago

alexwalterbos commented 6 years ago

The proposal should contain between 300 and 400 words. Your proposal should address the following points:

  1. Problem description: which problem will you tackle and what is interesting about the problem? If you reproduce a paper make sure to reference the original paper.
  2. Resources: which data and tools will you be using (this includes also existing implementations of algorithms)
  3. Methodology: if you choose to reproduce a paper, tell us which part of the paper (if not all) you will reproduce; if you choose your own research idea, tell us what type of algorithm/approach you are proposing and what your baseline(s) will be
  4. Background readings: list at least 5 related papers that you will read to add context to your research
  5. Evaluation: how will you evaluate your algorithm/approach? Which evaluation metrics will you use?

Submission: every group uploads their proposal on Brightspace. The proposal should be in PDF format and should contain the group name and the list of group members (name, student ID).

Feedback: the instructors and TAs will provide feedback on the project proposal within a week’s time.