alexwhitman / node-pushbullet-api

PushBullet API module for Node.js
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pusher.file uploads junk in version 3.0.0 #49

Open davidnewcomb opened 12 months ago

davidnewcomb commented 12 months ago

I'm trying to send a file using version 3.0.0 and it's uploading junk. Do you get the same results?

import PushBullet from 'pushbullet'
import fs from 'fs'
import { API_KEY, DEVICE_NICKNAME } from './config.js'


let resp,obj
const pusher = new PushBullet(API_KEY)
resp = await pusher.devices()
obj = await resp.json()
let devices = obj.devices
let device = devices.find((d) => d.nickname === DEVICE_NICKNAME)
const destId = device.iden
console.log('Device Id:', destId)

resp = await pusher.file(destId, '1-jack.jpg', 'Pic of jack')
obj = await resp.json()
//console.log('File:',JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4))
let uploadedFile = obj.file_url
console.log('File url:' + uploadedFile)

resp = await fetch(uploadedFile)
//console.log('resp=', resp)
console.log('resp-len=', resp.headers.get('content-length'))
obj = await resp.text()
console.log('body=', obj)

Image file

root@docker:/dir# ls -l 
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root       root       1538023 Aug  1 00:11 1-jack.jpg


Device Id: ujy8OAKQBl6sjCthOSFPQO
File url:
resp-len= 15
body= [object Object]

The file that has been uploaded just contains the string "[object Object]". I have checked this by downloading it in Firefox and curl. PushBullet app fails to show picture properly. Is there something obvious, I'm doing wrong? Do you get the same problem?