alexwkleung / Iris

✨ A comfortable note-taking app powered by Markdown
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Add option for native input dialogs #82

Closed alexwkleung closed 3 months ago

alexwkleung commented 10 months ago

It would be nice to add an option for native input box dialogs.

Electron doesn't support prompt in the Dialog API.

A possible option would be to use native OS bindings for Rust (i.e., Cocoa), create a prompt window that has a NSTextField, and return the input.

Not sure if I want to do this, but having native options are good to have.

alexwkleung commented 10 months ago

If I decide to add native input dialogs, I will start with the macOS implementation.

alexwkleung commented 10 months ago

winit looks like a good library to handle cross-platform windows.

Using native bindings means that I'll be building everything from scratch. Using a library like winit will help mitigate cross-platform issues.

I'll weigh the options once I start the implementation.