alexz-enwp / wikitools

Python package for working with MediaWiki wikis
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information in about differences and similarities between this and pywikibot #4

Open guaka opened 10 years ago

guaka commented 10 years ago
mzmcbride commented 10 years ago

Well, given the fact that both pywikipediabot (now officially named Pywikibot) and wikitools are both Python packages meant to interact/interface with MediaWiki, they're... pretty similar. :-)

As in nearly any case, users should use the tool that best fits their needs. Everyone has different hard and soft requirements.

I'm not sure this issue is particularly actionable, though perhaps Alex feels differently. I'd strongly recommend submitting a pull request with improved language for the README if you're interested in pursuing this.

guaka commented 10 years ago

I will definitely do a pull request on once I know more about wikitools, if no one beats me to it (:

alexz-enwp commented 10 years ago

I don't really know enough about the current state of pywiki to really provide more than a superficial comparison. I haven't used it in years, before the rewrite was done. And even then, it had a lot of features I never used.

But I'm always open to people who want to improve the documentation in any way, so if you'd like to submit a pull request, by all means, do so.