alexzheng587 / scholars-direct

Video and voice calling web app using WebRTC
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Scrum Update 5 #22

Open coljzh214 opened 4 years ago

coljzh214 commented 4 years ago

l8v0b: implemented inclusion of adding tabs to questions and enabled filtering by tabs in main question view, and did initial heroku deployment. Challenges faced were dealing with eventual changes with the backend as the backend development was still underway and will need to accommodate the existing express backend. This wave will focus on refactoring to and help out with the GraphQL backend and fully finish the app integration, and finalize deployment and CI/CD workflows, review goals / update docs and perhaps help out with other aspects like profile page and other standard requirements.

pengweiZhou6 commented 4 years ago

w3h2b: Last week I implemented google oauth. I added another route to save any user login with google acount. And I adding isGoogle to identifing if user is from google acount or not. Also, I rougly finish profile page, where is connected to mogodatabase. We can access any info about user from there. The main challenge for me is figue out the way the manage the user from two route, user and google_user. Next progress, I will completely finish user part by implementing user role state and more about user infomation. And i will pay more attention on ui desgin on profile page.

alexzheng587 commented 4 years ago

t4x0b: Last week I got most of the back-end set up for video calling and messaging with graphql and This week I will finally finish fully implementing it on the front-end. The main challenge for me was learning how to use graphql and implement it in my project effectively. Although it was a lot of effort, I believe I have learned enough in order to quickly implement the rest of my project well.

liu650 commented 4 years ago

l2b2b: last week I worked on profile page and offertohelp ui components. The main challenge for me was updating the reducer and using functional components. This week, i will continue on finishing profile page and connect it to backend.