Open JagadishaIncture opened 4 days ago
Probably related to - CMP 1.7.1 is known to break compose-cupertino 0.1.0-alpha04
If you're willing to dive a bit deeper, we're still working on getting a release of a compatible version out...hopefully soon
Suggest me which version of CMP and kotlin is compatable with compose-cupertino 0.1.0-alpha04
Suggest me which version of CMP and kotlin is compatable with compose-cupertino 0.1.0-alpha04
I think you could use CMP 1.6.1 and Kotlin 1.9.23
CMP 1.6.11 and Kotlin 2.0.0 combination worked. Thanks
Hi ,
Web Target is throwing above error while using AdaptiveWidget
@ExperimentalAdaptiveApi @Composable fun AdaptiveText( text:String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style:TextStyle ) { AdaptiveWidget( material = { Text( text=text, modifier=modifier, style=style ) }, cupertino = { CupertinoText( text=text, modifier=modifier, style=style ) } ) }
CMP: 1.7.1 Kotlin:2.0.0 Compose-cuptertiono : 0.1.0-alpha4