alexzielenski / Mousecape

Cursor Manager for OSX
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How to change cursor for Terminal app #121

Closed webOS101 closed 4 years ago

webOS101 commented 4 years ago

I've downloaded a cape (Obsidian) and activated it (as well as activated the helper tool). The I-Beam cursor shows up correctly in all the apps I've tested so far, except Terminal. How can I get the cursor to show up correctly in Terminal? I'm running High Sierra.


defaults write UseCustomIBeamCursor -bool NO
NordJan commented 4 years ago

I have checked here and with my cursor, the formidable Solara (by Skinplant), it also doesn't show the iBeam cursor of the .cape, but just the regular one. So, I guess Terminal is an exception. Try to live with this and enjoy Mousecape for the rest. Cheers.

lmaoguy123 commented 4 years ago

You cant....

ghost commented 4 years ago

I think that the reason that Mousecape doesn't theme the cursor for Terminal is that there's new or existing IBeam cursors inside the - Also a possible new cursor called IBeamMR. How far does this go back?

I don't know, yet, how to code or understand code that can re-assign this. I think the solution is to create a script to first backup -> copy in new resources directly to the Resources folder.

It wasn't the case earlier on that Mousecape couldn't theme the IBeam cursor in Terminal. I got flack for the IBeam cursors because they weren't great for selecting. That's my memory anyway.

webOS101 commented 4 years ago

I believe I found the answer! Use the following command:

defaults write UseCustomIBeamCursor -bool NO

Then the IBeam from Mousecape will show!