alexzielenski / Mousecape

Cursor Manager for OSX
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Applied Cape: None #194

Open nayakanuj opened 1 year ago

nayakanuj commented 1 year ago

I am not able to add custom cursors. Only the default set of cursors is working. I am able to create a New Cape, but when I double-click on it (or right click and apply), the cursor does not change to the one in the custom cape. I see "Applied Cape: None" on the top right of the Mousecape window.

NordJan commented 1 year ago

Could you upload the .cape file you created? Then we can see if it is this file or maybe your configuration.    

DanielViglione commented 1 year ago

Me too, I seem to be able to get this list of cursors to work: But none other. Ideally, I am looking for a cursor with smooth edges but still retains its cursor-like look.

NordJan commented 1 year ago

If you upload a .cape file that doesn't work for you, we can look into this, to find out whether this is a general issue or just for you. You might want to zip the file first, for easier transfer.