alexzielenski / Mousecape

Cursor Manager for OSX
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Quick way to switch left vs. right hand? #209

Closed zhouk closed 1 year ago

zhouk commented 1 year ago

Is there a quick way to switch left / right hand without opening up Mousecape?

I switch between two hands regularly to avoid fatigue and right now I'm using the Automator to emulate clicks to the preferences panel then apply the current cursor set again to make it effective. It comes with a lag of 30 - 60 seconds.

Is there a faster way to do this without having to open up the Mousecape UI? I tried to look into the arguments of mousecloak and it doesn't look like there are options to switch hands.

Metal-Snake commented 1 year ago

you could set the preference using defaults like so:

defaults write com.alexzielenski.Mousecape MCHandedness -int 1

0 = right 1 = left

and then reapply the cape using

mousecloak -a /path/to/your/favourite.cape

put that all in a script which reads the current MCHandedness value and sets the other one should make it quite fast.

zhouk commented 1 year ago

Works like a charm, thank you for sharing the knowledge @Diskutant !