alexzielenski / Mousecape

Cursor Manager for OSX
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I changed the color of the pointer in preferences, and Mousecape never worked again. I really miss it. #218

Open sortofDamocles opened 9 months ago

sortofDamocles commented 9 months ago

I have used the Mousecape app (v 1813, most recent) for years to make my cursor pointer point to the right (I'm left-handed). I have a 2020 M1 MacBook Air. A few months ago, I decided to change the color of the pointer in Mac Preferences to see if I liked it. Immediately after I did that, the Mousecape app stopped working correctly. I reverted the color—no dice.

After I dump the cursors and press command + return, the pointer does point to the right (with the pointer arrow above a round circle with an X), but as soon as I move the cursor off whatever open window it is on, it reverts to left pointing.

Do you have any idea what happened and how I can fix it? I really have loved your app.

The right-pointing pointer looks like the left one if the green were light gray and the plus was an X (white). I tried to find guidance on the names of different pointers so I could sound like a grownup, but alas I could not. 2023-10-12_17-26-59

sortofDamocles commented 9 months ago

One more detail: on Apple's site I found the name of the icon I see (and tried to describe) after pressing command + return: Apple calls it the poof pointer. Thx