alexzielenski / Opee

Code Injection Platform for OS X
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Opee Problem macOS Sierra #2

Open Grifter1 opened 7 years ago

Grifter1 commented 7 years ago

OpeeLoader has conflicting provisioning settings. OpeeLoader is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity Developer ID Application has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "Mac Developer" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the project editor.

how can I solve this ?

matt-curtis commented 6 years ago

@EthanArbuckle If you can't speak civilly without demeaning others, maybe you shouldn't speak. You act as if there was never a point where your were more junior and didn't know everything you know now.

alexzielenski commented 6 years ago

@matt-Curtis don’t use this product on Sierra it wouldn’t even work

uroboro commented 6 years ago

While code injection is indeed an advanced subject within the programming area, we shouldn't discourage others from getting into it. Try pointing them to resources that can help get up to speed with the subject.

On the other hand, the answer to this problem can be found with a google search for the issue at hand.