alexzwanenburg / familiar

Repository for the familiar R-package. Familiar implements an end-to-end pipeline for interpretable machine learning of tabular data.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Release CRAN version 1.5.0 #85

Closed alexzwanenburg closed 3 weeks ago

alexzwanenburg commented 1 month ago

Prior to merge with master



Github release

alexzwanenburg commented 1 month ago

Version name: Whole Whale

alexzwanenburg commented 1 month ago

The only issue directly tied to familiar is the following:

✖ | 1 1    406 | 0_plot_calibration [5480.6s]                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Warning (test-0_plot_calibration.R:40:1): 3. Plots for multinomial outcomes can be created for a dataset with some missing data and a naive model.
'fun.aggregate' is NULL, but found duplicate row/column combinations, so defaulting to length(). That is, the variables [ensemble_model_name, positive_class, data_set, fs_method, learner, type] used in 'formula' do not uniquely identify rows in the input 'data'. In such cases, 'fun.aggregate' is used to derive a single representative value for each combination in the output data.table, for example by summing or averaging (fun.aggregate=sum or fun.aggregate=mean, respectively). Check the resulting table for values larger than 1 to see which combinations were not unique. See ? for more details.
 1. ├─ at familiar/R/TestFunctions.R:4828:9
 2. ├─familiar (local) `<nnstndGF>`(object = `<fmlrCllc>`)
 3. └─familiar (local) `<nnstndGF>`(object = `<fmlrCllc>`) at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:147:5
 4.   └─familiar:::.plot_calibration_plot(...) at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:595:7
 5.     └─familiar:::.create_calibration_plot(...) at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:734:5
 6.       ├─data.table::dcast(data = linear_test, cast_formula, value.var = "value") at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:873:5
 7.       └─
 8.         └─data.table:::warningf(...)
 9.           └─data.table:::raise_condition(...)

Error (test-0_plot_calibration.R:40:1): 3. Plots for multinomial outcomes can be created for a dataset with some missing data and a naive model.
Error in ``[.data.table`(plot_layout_table, , `:=`(figure_id = .I, is_present = sapply(grobs, 
    gtable::is.gtable)))`: Supplied 7 items to be assigned to 6 items of column 'is_present'. If you wish to 'recycle' the RHS please use rep() to make this intent clear to readers of your code.
 1. ├─ at familiar/R/TestFunctions.R:4828:9
 2. ├─familiar (local) `<nnstndGF>`(object = `<fmlrCllc>`)
 3. └─familiar (local) `<nnstndGF>`(object = `<fmlrCllc>`) at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:147:5
 4.   └─familiar:::.plot_calibration_plot(...) at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:595:7
 5.     └─familiar:::.update_plot_layout_table(...) at familiar/R/PlotCalibration.R:812:3
 6.       ├─...[] at familiar/R/PlotUtilities.R:989:3
 7.       └─data.table:::`[.data.table`(...) at familiar/R/PlotUtilities.R:989:3

I established that this was an issue with the testing code (and logic). This is fixed with version 2.0.0.