alezanai / term-annotator

Super-fast image annotation using terminal and keyboard
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Test AWS SageMaker labelling tools #36

Open piercus opened 4 years ago

piercus commented 4 years ago

Hello Tania,

I would like you to test AWS SageMaker labelling tool.

can you test the following :

Please keep me updated on this point :

In the future we may try to use a custom taks for this

TaniaPash commented 4 years ago

hello Pierre,

please see the results below:

image classification

tested on a 10 img

images + bounding boxes

10 images

not very effective

gifs classification

errored Gif is not visible correctly in an annotating tool

error: We found some potential errors with your usage of Crowd HTML Elements. (Element type CROWD-IMAGE-CLASSIFIER): attributes.header should NOT be shorter than 1 characters

The annotator is able to see only first frame of a gif Screenshot from 2019-11-21 12-46-30

piercus commented 4 years ago

Hello @TaniaPash here are my remarks :

TaniaPash commented 4 years ago



piercus commented 4 years ago
TaniaPash commented 4 years ago

Can you try to use crowd-classifier sage macker custom html tag to annotate gifs update tmpl looks like:

<script src=""></script>
  <crowd-classifier name="crowd-classifier" header="gifs " categories="{{ task.input.labels | to_json | escape }}">
    <img src="{{task.input.taskObject | grant_read_access }}">
    <full-instructions header="Image classification instructions">
        <li><strong>Read</strong> the task carefully and inspect the image.</li>
        <li><strong>Read</strong> the options and review the examples provided to understand more about the labels.</li>
        <li><strong>Choose</strong> the appropriate label that best suits the image.</li>
      <h3><span style="color: rgb(0, 138, 0);">Good example</span></h3>
      <p>Enter description to explain the correct label to the workers</p>
      <h3><span style="color: rgb(230, 0, 0);">Bad example</span></h3>
      <p>Enter description of an incorrect label</p>
TaniaPash commented 4 years ago

please try to understand what confidence: 0.09 means

Can you test if it's possible to start bounding box annotations from a previously annotated image (for example the result from misclassified scripts)

i'm able to load created boxes from output folder (edited) using

 initial-value="[{% for box in task.input.manifestLine.test-4.annotations %}
    {% capture class_id %}{{ box.class_id }}{% endcapture %}
    {% assign label = task.input.manifestLine.test-4-metadata.class-map[class_id] %}
      label: {{label | to_json}},
      left: {{box.left}},
      top: {{}},
      width: {{box.width}},
      height: {{box.height}},
  {% endfor %}



What happens if you put only custom html inside the liquid template ? (and no form at all)

I can add html , but only outside of crowd-form

TaniaPash commented 4 years ago

hi @piercus

I was able to add to the template crowd-icon-button with custom width and height (2 images above Instruction section)



<script src=""></script>
    <crowd-icon-button src="" style="width:100px;height:100px !important;">TEST2</crowd-icon-button>
    <crowd-icon-button src="" style="width:100px;height:100px !important;">TEST3</crowd-icon-button>
  <crowd-bounding-box name="boundingBox" src="{{ task.input.taskObject | grant_read_access }}" header="test-4-vatic"
    labels="{{ task.input.labels | to_json | escape }}">
    <full-instructions header="Bounding box instructions">
        <li><strong>Inspect</strong> the image</li>
        <li><strong>Determine</strong> if the specified label is/are visible in the picture.</li>
        <li><strong>Outline</strong> each instance of the specified label in the image using the provided “Box” tool.
TaniaPash commented 4 years ago

Next Steps

  1. add a click event to the image button - for vatic
  2. abb reference images + a description for gifs annotation
  3. load vatic-annotation tool inside AWS Sagemaker
  4. prepare vatic annotation for SageMaker
  5. prepare gif annotation for SageMaker