alf-007 / homepage

My first personal website. Basically it is just a résumé.
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Create additional info blocks #7

Open alf-007 opened 1 month ago

alf-007 commented 1 month ago

You can make your resume less official by adding more entertaining info, like your hobbies and interest, or what do you like, some interactive content or joke, easter egg, etc.

alf-007 commented 1 month ago

Top 5 Examples of Hobbies and Interests to Put On Your Resume:

1. Volunteering Help out in community projects and lead volunteer activities. 2. Writing Create articles, stories, or guides to share information effectively. 3. Blogging Write and update a blog on topics you’re passionate about. 4. Languages Speak multiple languages and use them in various settings. 5. Photography Take and share photos, showcasing your creativity and eye for detail.