alf45tar / PedalinoMini

Wireless and Bluetooth MIDI Foot Controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Battery esp32 #359

Closed SrMorrris closed 1 year ago

SrMorrris commented 2 years ago


I am trying to develop my PedalinoMini, but i have found some issues trying to add bateries to the project..

I am using a 18650 battery connected to USB-Charger TP-4056. And i have connected one step-up regulator MT-3608.

This MT-3608 gives you 18 volts in pins OUT+/OUT- and moving the screw on the step down the voltage. I have found MiniPedalino doesn´t inicciate when voltage it´s more than 3,94 volts (pins VIN and GND on the esp32) The screen suddenly appears a wifi and turns off, and nothing works good..

When i move the MT-3608 screw at minimum (3,94 volts) the screen suddenly appears connecting to wifi and everything its fine..

But the problem its when minipedalino its turned on for ten minutes, suddenly turn off (the screen goes out) and i have to move again the MT-3608 screw for everything getting to work again..

The voltage work range its very thinny i think or i don´t know what i am doing wrong...i am pretty new at esp-32 I am confused because i have thought that i must feed pins Vin and GND on the esp 32 with 5 volts. And the screen goes to 3v and GND pins

But not working for me..

Designbase commented 2 years ago

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Ronald Westland Designbase

SrMorrris commented 2 years ago

I understand holydays.. I think my problem its schematics.. Vin--5V Esp32 can handle 3.84 maximum I must down voltage..

I beg for more schematics.. I am not able to connect a potentiometer yet.. Can i connect a 10k potentiometer?

By now i can connect and config pedalino but no idea how to select or change screens... I see blueboard or case1 have different screens..can i have the two types of screens on my config??

Its my second day with pedalino.. I see its amazing but i feel confused about too many things yet..

I will expect to feel less confused on september.. I hope! Enjoy holydays!

alf45tar commented 2 years ago

We are not closed for holidays. @Designbase is not affiliated with PedalinoMini.

alf45tar commented 2 years ago

I think you should start experiments using the USB power. Which is your board? Usually the ESP32 board can be powered with 5V in the VIN board. The ESP32 has an on-board regulator that converts the voltage from 5V to 3.3V.

alf45tar commented 2 years ago

If you want to connect a battery I suggestion to take inspiration from this board or use it.

Step up regulator is unnecessary.

SrMorrris commented 2 years ago

Ups..hehe sorry i don't understand before.. Yes you are right...i should start connecting via usb.. But pedalino works perfect with the battery (only when it starts.., its not always, on my case..). My step up mt-3608 allows me to step down voltage and start system (yes its f...) my broblem its my board..i have bought it on aliexpress ESP32DEVKITV1 30pins I think the problem its my board which doesn´t have voltage-regulator on the VIN pin.. I will try another method to feed my VIN pin. I think my Vin pin needs 3,3 volts..

alf45tar commented 2 years ago

Are you sure you are using VIN pin? VIN is opposite to 3.3V pin.

SrMorrris commented 2 years ago

Yes certainly I am using Vin Pin and GND.the opposite from the 3v and GND pins Let me do some capture images from my config and make some photos.. This problem its annoying me hehe I can initiate pedalino and the screen goes to "connecting to.." But thanks to my MT-3608 and moving the screw..

(when i move to minimum the screen doesn´t switch on...i think this means down-voltage) (when i move max.. the screen switch on for one second with a wifi symbol and then goes off..i think this means up-voltage) I need to move the screw really slow for initiate pedalino. And then everything goes right...i can switch on/off and everything fine (for a certain time...then i need to move the screw again)

SrMorrris commented 2 years ago

Hi This its my board Sin-t-tulo Sin-t-tulo2 a little bit more closer.. Sin-t-tulo3

Thanks Alf4star..pedalino its awesome!! Now i am understanding tags and screens, and connecting pots..

Designbase commented 1 year ago

Dank u voor uw bericht!

Wij zijn vanwege vakantie gesloten tot en met 26 Augustus.

U mail wordt gelezen, indien er calamiteiten zijn wordt er contact met u opgenomen.

Met vriendelijke Groet,

Ronald Westland Designbase

alf45tar commented 1 year ago

Can we close the issue?