alf45tar / PedalinoMini

Wireless and Bluetooth MIDI Foot Controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
474 stars 83 forks source link

Missing libs by build with VS Code see comment 4 and follow #474

Closed WernAir77 closed 8 months ago

WernAir77 commented 8 months ago


I tried to use a SH1106 OLED display with the web installer on a ESP32, like for ESP32_DOIT_DEV_Kit_1, but I only see a small clear line downside and the rest is snowy ;)

I tried with and without pull ups and 5V instead of 3v3, but nothing changed.

Is there a solution? For some years I installed pedalino with VS Code and could change between SD1306 and SH1106, but actually I can't use this workaround, because many libs are missing when I clone from git and follow the description.

WernAir77 commented 8 months ago

Today I tried the TTGO T-EIGHT 3.1.6 and what should I say, the display works fine but I can't get any access to the web interface or wifi config. I also tried several versions of the ESP_32_DOIT_DEV_Kit_1 but with the same result, the display shows a small line and the rest is snowy.

Jelle7and9 commented 8 months ago

One condition is that you build, upload and upload filesystem image in PlatformIO. The last one is important for the correct WebUI experience. Do you connect to the WebUI via the Pedalino installer It is explained in the Readme

WernAir77 commented 8 months ago

Yes, I connect via the WebUI after installation of DEV_DOIT_Kit_1, with TTGO_T-EIGHT, I was not able to connect Wifi. Build, Upload, etc. via PlatformIO hasn‘t worked, because some libraries were missing. First BluetoothSerial.h, after I installed this lib, other were missed… If I try to Build -> Upload...I get this error:

In file included from .pio/libdeps/esp32doit-devkit-v1/OSC/SLIPEncodedBluetoothSerial.cpp:1:0: .pio/libdeps/esp32doit-devkit-v1/OSC/SLIPEncodedBluetoothSerial.h:11:29: fatal error: BluetoothSerial.h: No such file or directory

As I wrote, if I copy BluetoothSerial.h in src folder the next lib is missing...maybe I'm the problem...

I installed newest version of VS Code and PlatformIO and XCode on my mac, do I have to install something more? ArduinoIDE, or something else for that libraries?

WernAir77 commented 8 months ago

Sorry for spamming, but I'm lost. Were can I find bluetoothSerial.h, FastLED.h, Improv.h, HSCR04.h, and so on? I just follow the instruction but these libs are missing and I don't know were to search for...

wcraffonara commented 8 months ago

Hi, I also tried to compile the project and I've exactly the same issues with missing libs. It would be very nice to have some instruction how to get the libs. Thanks! Regards

WernAir77 commented 8 months ago

I changed the title. I hope that if we clear the lib issue, my display issue will be easy to fix.

Hi, I also tried to compile the project and I've exactly the same issues with missing libs. It would be very nice to have some instruction how to get the libs. Thanks! Regards

alf45tar commented 8 months ago

The lib issue has ben fixed in sponsor version since long time. It will be fixed in public version too when one of the goal will be reached. Until that use the compiler version via the installer.