alf45tar / PedalinoMini

Wireless and Bluetooth MIDI Foot Controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
474 stars 83 forks source link

Upload fail "A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S3(beta3) not ESP32. Wrong --chip argument?" #500

Closed upgrader-dev closed 4 months ago

upgrader-dev commented 4 months ago

Hello . First things first, thank you for your work. I hope I will be able to enjoy it soon :) I have a Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT. This board is supported by Arduino core for ESP32.

I followed your guide to build & upload.

Just before upload I connect the board via USB. And Then I get this error :

"A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S3(beta3) not ESP32. Wrong --chip argument?".

Don't know why the upload hook thinks it is ESP32 and not ESP32-S3.

Any idea on how to solve this?

alf45tar commented 4 months ago

Your board is not supported by PedalinoMini. The only S3 supported board are BPI Leaf S3 or T-Display S3. Which firmware did you used?

For S3 boards remember to enter Bootloader mode to enable flash via USB-CDC.

  1. connect it via USB,
  2. hold BOOT button,
  3. press RST button once,
  4. then release BOOT button.
  5. Upload firmware
  6. RST to exit Bootloader mode
upgrader-dev commented 4 months ago

I used esp32doit-devkit-v1. Maybe you could modify the as it stands that : "Any boar supported by Arduino core for ESP32 is compatible for PedalinoMini"

And my board is in the supported board above.

And yes I was entering the bootloader mode.

I'll go for another board, thank you for your response.