alfajango / jquery-dynatable

A more-fun, semantic, alternative to datatables
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Is dynatable discontinued? #238

Closed whenov closed 8 years ago

whenov commented 8 years ago

The last commit was two years ago.

JerryBels commented 8 years ago

Was asking myself the same thing.

JangoSteve commented 8 years ago

Wow, two years, that's incredible and I apologize. It's certainly not discontinued; things have just been insanely busy here and so we haven't had the time recently to properly test pull requests and provide feedback for merging and integration. I'll make sure I talk to the team about this and see if we can get someone back on this quickly to try to catch up on the backlog and get this thing humming along again.

whenov commented 8 years ago

This is understandable, time is indeed a scarce resource for a business team.

And thanks, We are all looking forward to the revival of this project!