alfajango / jquery-dynatable

A more-fun, semantic, alternative to datatables
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Query params are not preserved #299

Closed RicardoGeek closed 6 years ago

RicardoGeek commented 6 years ago

I noticed that when I integrate dynatables with a wordpress plugin and load the table with:


Then the previous query params for the page I'm on are not preserved, for example if the page containing the dynatable has a uri like this when it loads:


after loading dynatables, the previous params are not preserved and I get:


Dynatables should be a good citizen to its host app and preserve query params that others use.

RicardoGeek commented 6 years ago

Actually never mind, if found the problem was the parameter page was conflicting with the wordpress page param. I fixed by doing this:

("#zones-table").dynatable({ params: { page: 'dtPage' } });