alfalfascout / pokemon-daycare

A web page that calculates the chance of hatching the pokemon with the stats you want.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Double-check probability calculations #21

Open alfalfascout opened 7 years ago

alfalfascout commented 7 years ago

The probability calculations are as good as I can get them, as I'm not stellar at probability. I'm seeking someone who is good at probability calculations, is good at writing javascript, and has knowledge of how the Pokémon breeding system works; hopefully my calculations are correct, but they need double- and triple-checking.

If there's any way you could look into the Pokémon game code to determine how, and in what order, bred Pokémon are generated, that would be stellar. The order in which items are applied to IV generation could matter a great deal in probability calculations.

inoahguy02 commented 1 year ago

I found one error dealing with IVs. When parent IV's are T,T,T,T,T,F and T,T,T,T,T,F and you want T,T,T,T,T,T chance should be around 0.5% but the website shows 0.3%. This issue has been fixed on my fork. I'm going to use selenium and automate all IV combinations and compare percentages to another website.

inoahguy02 commented 1 year ago

I made the automation for IVs. The automation showed me that there was another underlying bug with the calculations and it has been fixed. Both the automation file and bug fix are in my pull request #22