alfg / ffmpeg-commander

🛠️ FFmpeg Command Generator Web UI
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can't connect to ffmpegd #26

Closed stp6778 closed 2 years ago

stp6778 commented 2 years ago


I've build an alpine docker image with ffmepg, ffmpegd and ffmpeg-commander. I've enabled ffmpegd option but it always show offline status.

ffmpegd seems running ok, curl localhost:8080 displays dirlist from current started directory. I dont understand what i miss !

Thanks for help.

alfg commented 2 years ago

Hey @stp6778,

Which browser are you using? Can you check the devtools console and see if there's any error outputted?

I tried a fresh install using: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /tmp/:/home alfg/ffmpegd and it seems to work for me using Firefox on with the ffmpegd option enabled.


stp6778 commented 2 years ago


I understand my problem when you told me to use the console : your browser is running on same machine.

Mine is running on a windows PC and my docker containers on a nuc server. So I set my nuc hostname in ffmpegd.go and websocket.js, FileBrowser.vue, Queue.vue and now it works !

It seems that progress bar not update and cancel job don't kill ffmpeg process.

It would be convenient to have docker variable to define the working hostname and input, output basedir.

Thanks or this nice tool.

alfg commented 2 years ago

Ah, glad you figured it out. Yes, ffmpegd needs to run on the same machine as the browser that is loading up the ffmpeg-commander.

It would be convenient to have docker variable to define the working hostname and input, output basedir. I do have plans for this once I have time to implement. Thanks for the suggestion!

alfg commented 2 years ago

Added #27 as a TODO to add the suggestion. Thanks @stp6778.