alfred82santa / whalesong

Whalesong is an asyncio python library to manage WebApps remotely. Currently WhatsappWeb is implemented
MIT License
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WARNING Message: TypeError: window.manager is undefined whatsapp web #106

Closed edwinalex035 closed 5 years ago

edwinalex035 commented 5 years ago


I have been using whalesong for a while and today, whatsapp web install a new update. After that, the code gave me this warning: WARNING Message: TypeError: window.manager is undefined whatsapp web Then I tried to run it again and it is giving the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/", line 737, in bot.loop.run_until_complete(bot.start()) File "/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/", line 484, in run_until_complete return future.result() File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/", line 703, in start await self._driver.start() File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/whalesong/", line 96, in start await self._driver.connect() File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/whalesong/", line 108, in connect await self.run_scriptlet() File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/whalesong/", line 69, in run_scriptlet await self._internal_run_scriptlet( File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/whalesong/", line 119, in _internal_run_scriptlet await self._run_async(self.driver.execute_script, script) File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/whalesong/", line 73, in _run_async return await self.loop.run_in_executor(self._pool_executor, partial(method, *args, *kwargs)) File "/usr/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/", line 56, in run result = self.fn(self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 636, in execute_script 'args': converted_args})['value'] File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 321, in execute self.error_handler.check_response(response) File "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/wappExt/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 242, in check_response raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace) selenium.common.exceptions.JavascriptException: Message: TypeError: e[o] is undefined

Tingaev commented 5 years ago

alfred82santa hi, can I help you?

alfred82santa commented 5 years ago

Could you test the branch bug/new-webpackjsonp?

$ make build-js
$ PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH python examples/ 
maurissao commented 5 years ago

Hi, the fix works to find the modules properly, but i think there are some other changes to do. Sending message throw that error: 'sendMessage (send_fn()): TypeError: n.model.sendMessage is not a function'

alfred82santa commented 5 years ago

You are right, sendMessage function has been disappeared... I'm looking for an alternative.

maurissao commented 5 years ago

I have added this artifacts: 'chatClass': (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.Collection !== undefined && module.default.prototype.Collection === "Chat") ? module : null, 'sendTextMsgToChat': (module) => (module.sendTextMsgToChat) ? module.sendTextMsgToChat : null, and changed the constructor for chat manager: ` this.chatClass = chatClass;

this.chatClass.default.prototype.sendMessage = function(e) {
    return sendTextMsgToChat(this, ...arguments)

` i'm still testing but now it's able to send message, i'm using the Jabolina fork, my code is a little different. I think you can make a better fix than me. thanks.

victorriba commented 5 years ago

hello, any solution??

maurissao commented 5 years ago


alfred82santa commented 5 years ago

I've released a new version with some fixes in order to adapt to new whatsapp code. It is possible new bugs appear. Please open an issue for each one you find.