alfred82santa / whalesong

Whalesong is an asyncio python library to manage WebApps remotely. Currently WhatsappWeb is implemented
MIT License
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How mark message "Read" #85

Open Tingaev opened 5 years ago

Tingaev commented 5 years ago

Hello, how I mark message is read? How I can set permanent online status while driver work? Thanks

alfred82santa commented 5 years ago

Please, one question per issue, and use labels.

1.- It is marked at chat level:


Tingaev commented 5 years ago

Thanks you, but method send_seen is not worked And I don't know where add set_available_permanent in

alfred82santa commented 5 years ago

set_available_permanent is on display_info manager:

If send_seen is not working, please check it in a group, not in a contact chat. If it's still not working, create a bug, please.