alfredodeza / pytest.vim

Runs your UnitTests with py.test displaying red/green bars and errors
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Make pytest run doctests as well #29

Closed fabianvf closed 7 years ago

fabianvf commented 9 years ago

This is my little hack to get :Pytest to capture and run doctests. Currently only works when running doctests for a file, not sure how much it would take to get it to capture and run doctests for classes/methods/functions. To run a doctest, you need to use this sort of syntax:

py.test --doctest-modules path/to/

py.test --doctest-modules path/to/

py.test --doctest-modules path/to/

and I'm not sure how to get access to those from inside pytest.vim (need to spend some more time looking at what's going on). If it were possible to get that information, might be better to have a :Pytest doctest [file | class | method | function] command.

My temporary fix to #28

alfredodeza commented 9 years ago

right I agree, this needs to be an explicit call. Give me a bit to look into it

fabianvf commented 9 years ago

Actually, I'm getting pretty close I think. My current approach is to add doctest as an additional optional argument, which if provided will change how the path is constructed and make pytest run with --doctest-modules

fabianvf commented 9 years ago

PR update soon to follow

fabianvf commented 9 years ago

K, updated. The current PR works for functions run normally, or with doctest functions.

Current syntax is:

:Pytest function verbose doctest


:Pytest function doctest
fabianvf commented 9 years ago

All right, I think I have most everything functioning. Let me know if you think the approach is sane, I'm happy to respond to review and change it up.

alfredodeza commented 9 years ago

I couldn't see any changes to the parsing, trying your branch it doesn't parse correctly when there are failures. Have you tried this on all the Python objects? (function, method, class, file, etc..?)

fabianvf commented 9 years ago

Strange, I have it working locally on function/method/class/file doctests (project doesn't collect doctests atm though), both for passing and failing doctests

fabianvf commented 9 years ago

Here is a python file that works locally for me (for class, function, method and file):

def hello(name):
    >>> print(hello('Bob'))
    Hello Bob
    return 'Hello ' + name

class GreetingsFactory(object):
    >>> print(GreetingsFactory().greeting)
    >>> print(GreetingsFactory('Goodbye').greeting)

    greeting = 'Hello'

    def __init__(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            self.greeting = args[0]

    def mk_greeting(self, greeting=None):
        >>> print(GreetingsFactory('Goodbye').mk_greeting()('Bob'))
        Goodbye Bob
        >>> print(GreetingsFactory().mk_greeting()('Karl'))
        Hello Karl
        def inner(name):
            return (greeting or self.greeting) + ' ' + name
        return inner
alfredodeza commented 9 years ago

If they all pass it seems it works. Try changing the 'Hello ' string in the hello func to return 'Hi ' to see how that fails and how it looks.

fabianvf commented 8 years ago

Ah, I think I see what you mean, in non-verbose mode?

In verbose mode, it prints:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10 -- py-1.4.30 -- pytest-2.6.3 -- /Users/fabian/Envs/scrapi/bin/python2.7
plugins: cov
collecting ... collected 3 items[doctest] example.GreetingsFactory PASSED[doctest] example.GreetingsFactory.mk_greeting PASSED[doctest] example.hello FAILED

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________ [doctest] example.hello ____________________________
002     '''
003     >>> print(hello('Bob'))
    Hello Bob
    Hi Bob

/Users/fabian/code/cos/scrapi/ DocTestFailure
====================== 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.02 seconds ======================

which looks ok to me.

But it seems to have no real output in non-verbose mode. I'll look into it...

fabianvf commented 8 years ago

Yeah, it just seems to be because the failure output for doctests is completely different than normal test failures. I haven't had time to dive into the parsing logic yet, but I'll look into it as soon as I do.

alfredodeza commented 7 years ago

This PR has become too stale. Feel free to re-open when the parsing is improved. Thanks for taking a stab at it!