alfredxing / brick

Open-source webfont service
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Show support of non-latin characters #100

Open timmarinin opened 9 years ago

timmarinin commented 9 years ago

It would be great to see if a font support non-latin characters (like cyrillic), because by default browsers will substitute missing characters and it looks ugly (see screenshot)

Related with #11

marin_000shot2014-12-01151051 1

timmarinin commented 9 years ago

Some fonts support it, btw. If you need help in finding out which fonts from catalogue are supporting cyrillic, I'll glad to help.

For example, Lato supports. marin_000shot2014-12-01151149 1

timmarinin commented 9 years ago


Font name Support cyrillic
Alegreya no
Alegreya Sans no
Aleo no
Andada no
Anonymous Pro !! yes
Bitter !! yes
BPreplay no
Cardo no
Clear Sans !! yes
Comic Neue no
Crimson ! yes (only 400 and 400i)
Domine no
Droid Serif no
EB Garamond !! yes
Fira Mono !! yes
Fira Sans !! yes
Gentium Basic no
Inconsolata no
Karla no
Latin Modern Mono no
Latin Modern Roman no
Lato !! yes
Libre Baskerville no
Libre Caslon Display no
Libre Caslon Text no
Linux Biolinum !! yes (although it's strange on 700)
Linux Libertine ! yes (700i no)
Lora !! yes
Merriweather no
Montserrat no
Muli no
Noto Sans !! yes
Noto Serif !! yes
Old Standard !! yes
Open Sans !! yes
Oswald !! yes
Playfair Display !! yes
PT Sans !! yes (obviously)
PT Serif !! yes (obviously)
Raleway ! yes (not italic)
Roboto !! yes
Roboto Condensed !! yes
Roboto Slab !! yes
Rokkitt no
Sorts Mill Goudy no
Source Code Pro no
Source Sans Pro no
Source Serif Pro no
Telex no
TeX Gyre Heros no
Titillium no
Ubuntu !! yes
Vollkorn ! yes (not italic)

!! means that all variants look ok, ! means that some variant is missing

alfredxing commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this! I'll definitely keep this in mind for the upcoming redesign (#87). I'll likely be showing unicode ranges and/or displaying the full character set.