algernon-A / AdvancedBuildingLevelControl

A Cities: Skylines mod
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link

Please share the 4 dlls currently used in this project(Assembly-CSharp, ColossalManaged, ICities, UnityEngine) #14

Closed ninjadev0329 closed 3 years ago

ninjadev0329 commented 3 years ago

Hello, algeron!

As I am a C# developer, I'm trying to develop a mod that can control the level of a building now. When I built this project in VS2017 Community version, I got a Dll(Assembly-CSharp, ColossalManaged, ICities, UnityEngine) reference error. So I ask you to share the DLLs you are currently using in this project. I hope a lot of exchanges. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards, Kingwebdev

algernon-A commented 3 years ago

Those files are part of the game itself, and I can't share them as they are (obviously) subject to copyright.

It sounds as though you are new to game mod development, particularly Cities Skylines mod development. A GitHub thread isn't the best place to do that, but instead I recommend starting with boformer's Cities Skylines modding tutorials on Simtropolis.

Once you're comfortable with the basics, I'm happy to help further; it would be best to get in contact with me either on Steam or one of the Cities Skylines discords (preferred).