algesten / str0m

A synchronous sans I/O WebRTC implementation in Rust.
MIT License
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Firefox rejects DTLS certificate when connected to multiple processes running str0m #517

Closed OxleyS closed 1 month ago

OxleyS commented 1 month ago

For context, we use str0m as an SFU. Due to our unique setup, a single browser client may be connected to multiple SFUs at the same time. Our SFUs generate one DTLS certificate each on startup and then re-use it for all of that SFU's rooms.

Firefox clients fail to connect to the second SFU in this setup, with an error of:

Dtls(Io(Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: Error { code: ErrorCode(1), cause: Some(Ssl(ErrorStack([Error { code: 167773202, library: "SSL routines", function: "dtls1_read_bytes", reason: "sslv3 alert bad certificate", file: "ssl/record/rec_layer_d1.c", line: 613, data: "SSL alert number 42" }]))) } }))

This seems like a resurfacing of, which we have a workaround for here. The problem is that both SFUs generate their certificate with the same starting serial number of 1, since they are different processes. This brings us to the same situation again - same serial + issuer, but different certificate.

The problem seemed to be fixed when I replaced this atomic increment with a randomly-generated 128-bit number. Would that be an okay solution?

algesten commented 1 month ago

Sure, I don't care as long as it works with all browsers.