algolia / algolia-sitemap

a node library allowing you to generate sitemaps from an Algolia index.
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chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.11.0 - autoclosed #99

Closed renovate[bot] closed 6 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 6 years ago

This Pull Request updates dependency eslint-plugin-import from v2.8.0 to v2.11.0

Note: This PR was created on a configured schedule ("every weekend" in timezone Europe/Paris) and will not receive updates outside those times.

Release Notes ### [`v2.9.0`](​290---2018-02-21) ##### Added - Add [`group-exports`] rule: style-guide rule to report use of multiple named exports ([#​721], thanks [@​robertrossmann]) - Add [`no-self-import`] rule: forbids a module from importing itself. ([#​727], [#​449], [#​447], thanks [@​giodamelio]). - Add [`no-default-export`] rule ([#​889], thanks [@​isiahmeadows]) - Add [`no-useless-path-segments`] rule ([#​912], thanks [@​graingert] and [@​danny-andrews]) - ... and more! check the commits for v[2.9.0] --- ### [`v2.10.0`](​2100---2018-03-29) ##### Added - Autofixer for [`order`] rule ([#​908], thanks [@​tihonove]) - Add [`no-cycle`] rule: reports import cycles. --- ### [`v2.11.0`](​2110---2018-04-09) ##### Added - Fixer for [`first`] ([#​1046], thanks [@​fengkfengk]) - `allow-require` option for [`no-commonjs`] rule ([#​880], thanks [@​futpib]) ##### Fixed - memory/CPU regression where ASTs were held in memory ([#​1058], thanks [@​klimashkin]/[@​lukeapage]) #### [2.10.0] - 2018-03-29 ##### Added - Autofixer for [`order`] rule ([#​908], thanks [@​tihonove]) - Add [`no-cycle`] rule: reports import cycles. #### [2.9.0] - 2018-02-21 ##### Added - Add [`group-exports`] rule: style-guide rule to report use of multiple named exports ([#​721], thanks [@​robertrossmann]) - Add [`no-self-import`] rule: forbids a module from importing itself. ([#​727], [#​449], [#​447], thanks [@​giodamelio]). - Add [`no-default-export`] rule ([#​889], thanks [@​isiahmeadows]) - Add [`no-useless-path-segments`] rule ([#​912], thanks [@​graingert] and [@​danny-andrews]) - ... and more! check the commits for v[2.9.0] #### [2.8.0] - 2017-10-18 ##### Added - [`exports-last`] rule ([#​620] + [#​632], thanks [@​k15a]) ##### Changed - Case-sensitivity checking ignores working directory and ancestors. ([#​720] + [#​858], thanks [@​laysent]) ##### Fixed - support scoped modules containing hyphens ([#​744], thanks [@​rosswarren]) - core-modules now resolves files inside declared modules ([#​886] / [#​891], thanks [@​mplewis]) - TypeError for missing AST fields from TypeScript ([#​842] / [#​944], thanks [@​alexgorbatchev]) #### [2.7.0] - 2017-07-06 ##### Changed - [`no-absolute-path`] picks up speed boost, optional AMD support ([#​843], thanks [@​jseminck]) #### [2.6.1] - 2017-06-29 ##### Fixed - update bundled node resolver dependency to latest version #### [2.6.0] - 2017-06-23 ##### Changed - update tests / peerDeps for ESLint 4.0 compatibility ([#​871], thanks [@​mastilver]) - [`memo-parser`] updated to require `filePath` on parser options as it melts down if it's not there, now that this plugin always provides it. (see [#​863]) #### [2.5.0] - 2017-06-22 Re-releasing v[2.4.0] after discovering that the memory leak is isolated to the [`memo-parser`], which is more or less experimental anyway. ##### Added - Autofixer for newline-after-import. ([#​686] + [#​696], thanks [@​eelyafi]) #### [2.4.0] - 2017-06-02 [YANKED] Yanked due to critical issue in eslint-module-utils with cache key resulting from [#​839]. ##### Added - Add `filePath` into `parserOptions` passed to `parser` ([#​839], thanks [@​sompylasar]) - Add `allow` option to [`no-unassigned-import`] to allow for files that match the globs ([#​671], [#​737], thanks [@​kevin940726]). #### [2.3.0] - 2017-05-18 ##### Added - [`no-anonymous-default-export`] rule: report anonymous default exports ([#​712], thanks [@​duncanbeevers]). - Add new value to [`order`]'s `newlines-between` option to allow newlines inside import groups ([#​627], [#​628], thanks [@​giodamelio]) - Add `count` option to the [`newline-after-import`] rule to allow configuration of number of newlines expected ([#​742], thanks [@​ntdb]) ##### Changed - [`no-extraneous-dependencies`]: use `read-pkg-up` to simplify finding + loading `package.json` ([#​680], thanks [@​wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg]) - Add support to specify the package.json [`no-extraneous-dependencies`] ([#​685], thanks [@​ramasilveyra]) ##### Fixed - attempt to fix crash in [`no-mutable-exports`]. ([#​660]) - "default is a reserved keyword" in no-maned-default tests by locking down babylon to 6.15.0 (#​756, thanks @​gmathieu) - support scoped modules containing non word characters #### [2.2.0] - 2016-11-07 ##### Fixed - Corrected a few gaffs in the auto-ignore logic to fix major performance issues with projects that did not explicitly ignore `node_modules`. ([#​654]) - [`import/ignore` setting] was only being respected if the ignored module didn't start with an `import` or `export` JS statement - [`prefer-default-export`]: fixed crash on export extensions ([#​653]) #### [2.1.0] - 2016-11-02 ##### Added - Add [`no-named-default`] rule: style-guide rule to report use of unnecessarily named default imports ([#​596], thanks [@​ntdb]) - [`no-extraneous-dependencies`]: check globs against CWD + absolute path ([#​602] + [#​630], thanks [@​ljharb]) ##### Fixed - [`prefer-default-export`] handles flow `export type` ([#​484] + [#​639], thanks [@​jakubsta]) - [`prefer-default-export`] handles re-exported default exports ([#​609]) - Fix crash when using [`newline-after-import`] with decorators ([#​592]) - Properly report [`newline-after-import`] when next line is a decorator - Fixed documentation for the default values for the [`order`] rule ([#​601]) #### [2.0.1] - 2016-10-06 ##### Fixed - Fixed code that relied on removed dependencies. ([#​604]) #### [2.0.0]! - 2016-09-30 ##### Added - [`unambiguous`] rule: report modules that are not unambiguously ES modules. - `recommended` shared config. Roughly `errors` and `warnings` mixed together, with some `parserOptions` in the mix. ([#​402]) - `react` shared config: added `jsx: true` to `parserOptions.ecmaFeatures`. - Added [`no-webpack-loader-syntax`] rule: forbid custom Webpack loader syntax in imports. ([#​586], thanks [@​fson]!) - Add option `newlines-between: "ignore"` to [`order`] ([#​519]) - Added [`no-unassigned-import`] rule ([#​529]) ##### Breaking - [`import/extensions` setting] defaults to `['.js']`. ([#​306]) - [`import/ignore` setting] defaults to nothing, and ambiguous modules are ignored natively. This means importing from CommonJS modules will no longer be reported by [`default`], [`named`], or [`namespace`], regardless of `import/ignore`. ([#​270]) - [`newline-after-import`]: Removed need for an empty line after an inline `require` call ([#​570]) - [`order`]: Default value for `newlines-between` option is now `ignore` ([#​519]) ##### Changed - `imports-first` is renamed to [`first`]. `imports-first` alias will continue to exist, but may be removed in a future major release. - Case-sensitivity: now specifically (and optionally) reported by [`no-unresolved`]. Other rules will ignore case-mismatches on paths on case-insensitive filesystems. ([#​311]) ##### Fixed - [`no-internal-modules`]: support `@`-scoped packages ([#​577]+[#​578], thanks [@​spalger]) #### [1.16.0] - 2016-09-22 ##### Added - Added [`no-dynamic-require`] rule: forbid `require()` calls with expressions. ([#​567], [#​568]) - Added [`no-internal-modules`] rule: restrict deep package imports to specific folders. ([#​485], thanks [@​spalger]!) - [`extensions`]: allow override of a chosen default with options object ([#​555], thanks [@​ljharb]!) ##### Fixed - [`no-named-as-default`] no longer false-positives on `export default from '...'` ([#​566], thanks [@​preco21]) - [`default`]: allow re-export of values from ignored files as default ([#​545], thanks [@​skyrpex]) #### [1.15.0] - 2016-09-12 ##### Added - Added an `allow` option to [`no-nodejs-modules`] to allow exceptions ([#​452], [#​509]). - Added [`no-absolute-path`] rule ([#​530], [#​538]) - [`max-dependencies`] for specifying the maximum number of dependencies (both `import` and `require`) a module can have. (see [#​489], thanks [@​tizmagik]) - Added glob option to config for [`no-extraneous-dependencies`], after much bikeshedding. Thanks, [@​knpwrs]! ([#​527]) ##### Fixed - [`no-named-as-default-member`] Allow default import to have a property named "default" ([#​507], [#​508], thanks [@​jquense] for both!) #### [1.14.0] - 2016-08-22 ##### Added - [`import/parsers` setting]: parse some dependencies (i.e. TypeScript!) with a different parser than the ESLint-configured parser. ([#​503]) ##### Fixed - [`namespace`] exception for get property from `namespace` import, which are re-export from commonjs module ([#​499] fixes [#​416], thanks [@​wKich]) #### [1.13.0] - 2016-08-11 ##### Added - `allowComputed` option for [`namespace`] rule. If set to `true`, won't report computed member references to namespaces. (see [#​456]) ##### Changed - Modified [`no-nodejs-modules`] error message to include the module's name ([#​453], [#​461]) ##### Fixed - [`import/extensions` setting] is respected in spite of the appearance of imports in an imported file. (fixes [#​478], thanks [@​rhys-vdw]) #### [1.12.0] - 2016-07-26 ##### Added - [`import/external-module-folders` setting]: a possibility to configure folders for "external" modules ([#​444], thanks [@​zloirock]) #### [1.11.1] - 2016-07-20 ##### Fixed - [`newline-after-import`] exception for `switch` branches with `require`s iff parsed as `sourceType:'module'`. (still [#​441], thanks again [@​ljharb]) #### [1.11.0] - 2016-07-17 ##### Added - Added an `peerDependencies` option to [`no-extraneous-dependencies`] to allow/forbid peer dependencies ([#​423], [#​428], thanks [@​jfmengels]!). ##### Fixed - [`newline-after-import`] exception for multiple `require`s in an arrow function expression (e.g. `() => require('a') || require('b')`). ([#​441], thanks [@​ljharb]) #### [1.10.3] - 2016-07-08 ##### Fixed - removing `Symbol` dependencies (i.e. `for-of` loops) due to Node 0.10 polyfill issue (see [#​415]). Should not make any discernible semantic difference. #### [1.10.2] - 2016-07-04 ##### Fixed - Something horrible happened during `npm prepublish` of 1.10.1. Several `rm -rf node_modules && npm i` and `gulp clean && npm prepublish`s later, it is rebuilt and republished as 1.10.2. Thanks [@​rhettlivingston] for noticing and reporting! #### [1.10.1] - 2016-07-02 [YANKED] ##### Added - Officially support ESLint 3.x. (peerDependencies updated to `2.x - 3.x`) #### [1.10.0] - 2016-06-30 ##### Added - Added new rule [`no-restricted-paths`]. ([#​155]/[#​371], thanks [@​lo1tuma]) - [`import/core-modules` setting]: allow configuration of additional module names, to be treated as builtin modules (a la `path`, etc. in Node). ([#​275] + [#​365], thanks [@​sindresorhus] for driving) - React Native shared config (based on comment from [#​283]) ##### Fixed - Fixed crash with `newline-after-import` related to the use of switch cases. (fixes [#​386], thanks [@​ljharb] for reporting) ([#​395]) #### [1.9.2] - 2016-06-21 ##### Fixed - Issues with ignored/CJS files in [`export`] and [`no-deprecated`] rules. ([#​348], [#​370]) #### [1.9.1] - 2016-06-16 ##### Fixed - Reordered precedence for loading resolvers. ([#​373]) #### [1.9.0] - 2016-06-10 ##### Added - Added support TomDoc comments to [`no-deprecated`]. ([#​321], thanks [@​josh]) - Added support for loading custom resolvers ([#​314], thanks [@​le0nik]) ##### Fixed - [`prefer-default-export`] handles `export function` and `export const` in same file ([#​359], thanks [@​scottnonnenberg]) #### [1.8.1] - 2016-05-23 ##### Fixed - `export * from 'foo'` now properly ignores a `default` export from `foo`, if any. ([#​328]/[#​332], thanks [@​jkimbo]) This impacts all static analysis of imported names. ([`default`], [`named`], [`namespace`], [`export`]) - Make [`order`]'s `newline-between` option handle multiline import statements ([#​313], thanks [@​singles]) - Make [`order`]'s `newline-between` option handle not assigned import statements ([#​313], thanks [@​singles]) - Make [`order`]'s `newline-between` option ignore `require` statements inside object literals ([#​313], thanks [@​singles]) - [`prefer-default-export`] properly handles deep destructuring, `export * from ...`, and files with no exports. ([#​342]+[#​343], thanks [@​scottnonnenberg]) #### [1.8.0] - 2016-05-11 ##### Added - [`prefer-default-export`], new rule. ([#​308], thanks [@​gavriguy]) ##### Fixed - Ignore namespace / ES7 re-exports in [`no-mutable-exports`]. ([#​317], fixed by [#​322]. thanks [@​borisyankov] + [@​jfmengels]) - Make [`no-extraneous-dependencies`] handle scoped packages ([#​316], thanks [@​jfmengels]) #### [1.7.0] - 2016-05-06 ##### Added - [`newline-after-import`], new rule. ([#​245], thanks [@​singles]) - Added an `optionalDependencies` option to [`no-extraneous-dependencies`] to allow/forbid optional dependencies ([#​266], thanks [@​jfmengels]). - Added `newlines-between` option to [`order`] rule ([#​298], thanks [@​singles]) - add [`no-mutable-exports`] rule ([#​290], thanks [@​josh]) - [`import/extensions` setting]: a list of file extensions to parse as modules and search for `export`s. If unspecified, all extensions are considered valid (for now). In v2, this will likely default to `['.js', MODULE_EXT]`. ([#​297], to fix [#​267]) ##### Fixed - [`extensions`]: fallback to source path for extension enforcement if imported module is not resolved. Also, never report for builtins (i.e. `path`). ([#​296]) #### [1.6.1] - 2016-04-28 ##### Fixed - [`no-named-as-default-member`]: don't crash on rest props. ([#​281], thanks [@​SimenB]) - support for Node 6: don't pass `null` to `path` functions. Thanks to [@​strawbrary] for bringing this up ([#​272]) and adding OSX support to the Travis config ([#​288]). #### [1.6.0] - 2016-04-25 ##### Added - add [`no-named-as-default-member`] to `warnings` canned config - add [`no-extraneous-dependencies`] rule ([#​241], thanks [@​jfmengels]) - add [`extensions`] rule ([#​250], thanks [@​lo1tuma]) - add [`no-nodejs-modules`] rule ([#​261], thanks [@​jfmengels]) - add [`order`] rule ([#​247], thanks [@​jfmengels]) - consider `resolve.fallback` config option in the webpack resolver ([#​254]) ##### Changed - [`imports-first`] now allows directives (i.e. `'use strict'`) strictly before any imports ([#​256], thanks [@​lemonmade]) ##### Fixed - [`named`] now properly ignores the source module if a name is re-exported from an ignored file (i.e. `node_modules`). Also improved the reported error. (thanks to [@​jimbolla] for reporting) - [`no-named-as-default-member`] had a crash on destructuring in loops (thanks for heads up from [@​lemonmade]) #### [1.5.0] - 2016-04-18 ##### Added - report resolver errors at the top of the linted file - add [`no-namespace`] rule ([#​239], thanks [@​singles]) - add [`no-named-as-default-member`] rule ([#​243], thanks [@​dmnd]) ##### Changed - Rearranged rule groups in README in preparation for more style guide rules ##### Removed - support for Node 0.10, via `es6-*` ponyfills. Using native Map/Set/Symbol. #### [1.4.0] - 2016-03-25 ##### Added - Resolver plugin interface v2: more explicit response format that more clearly covers the found-but-core-module case, where there is no path. Still backwards-compatible with the original version of the resolver spec. - [Resolver documentation](./resolvers/ ##### Changed - using `package.json/files` instead of `.npmignore` for package file inclusion ([#​228], thanks [@​mathieudutour]) - using `es6-*` ponyfills instead of `babel-runtime` #### [1.3.0] - 2016-03-20 Major perf improvements. Between parsing only once and ignoring gigantic, non-module `node_modules`, there is very little added time. My test project takes 17s to lint completely, down from 55s, when using the memoizing parser, and takes only 27s with naked `babel-eslint` (thus, reparsing local modules). ##### Added - This change log ([#​216]) - Experimental memoizing [parser](./memo-parser/ ##### Fixed - Huge reduction in execution time by _only_ ignoring [`import/ignore` setting] if something that looks like an `export` is detected in the module content. #### [1.2.0] - 2016-03-19 Thanks @​lencioni for identifying a huge amount of rework in resolve and kicking off a bunch of memoization. I'm seeing 62% improvement over my normal test codebase when executing only [`no-unresolved`] in isolation, and ~35% total reduction in lint time. ##### Changed - added caching to core/resolve via [#​214], configured via [`import/cache` setting] #### [1.1.0] - 2016-03-15 ##### Added - Added an [`ignore`](./docs/rules/ option to [`no-unresolved`] for those pesky files that no resolver can find. (still prefer enhancing the Webpack and Node resolvers to using it, though). See [#​89] for details. #### [1.0.4] - 2016-03-11 ##### Changed - respect hoisting for deep namespaces ([`namespace`]/[`no-deprecated`]) ([#​211]) ##### Fixed - don't crash on self references ([#​210]) - correct cache behavior in `eslint_d` for deep namespaces ([#​200]) #### [1.0.3] - 2016-02-26 ##### Changed - no-deprecated follows deep namespaces ([#​191]) ##### Fixed - [`namespace`] no longer flags modules with only a default export as having no names. (ns.default is valid ES6) #### [1.0.2] - 2016-02-26 ##### Fixed - don't parse imports with no specifiers ([#​192]) #### [1.0.1] - 2016-02-25 ##### Fixed - export `stage-0` shared config - documented [`no-deprecated`] - deep namespaces are traversed regardless of how they get imported ([#​189]) #### [1.0.0] - 2016-02-24 ##### Added - [`no-deprecated`]: WIP rule to let you know at lint time if you're using deprecated functions, constants, classes, or modules. ##### Changed - [`namespace`]: support deep namespaces ([#​119] via [#​157]) #### [1.0.0-beta.0] - 2016-02-13 ##### Changed - support for (only) ESLint 2.x - no longer needs/refers to `import/parser` or `import/parse-options`. Instead, ESLint provides the configured parser + options to the rules, and they use that to parse dependencies. ##### Removed - `babylon` as default import parser (see Breaking) #### [0.13.0] - 2016-02-08 ##### Added - [`no-commonjs`] rule - [`no-amd`] rule ##### Removed - Removed vestigial `no-require` rule. [`no-commonjs`] is more complete. #### [0.12.2] - 2016-02-06 [YANKED] Unpublished from npm and re-released as 0.13.0. See [#​170]. #### [0.12.1] - 2015-12-17 ##### Changed - Broke docs for rules out into individual files. #### [0.12.0] - 2015-12-14 ##### Changed - Ignore [`import/ignore` setting] if exports are actually found in the parsed module. Does this to support use of `jsnext:main` in `node_modules` without the pain of managing an allow list or a nuanced deny list. #### [0.11.0] - 2015-11-27 ##### Added - Resolver plugins. Now the linter can read Webpack config, properly follow aliases and ignore externals, dismisses inline loaders, etc. etc.! #### Earlier releases (0.10.1 and younger) See [GitHub release notes]( for info on changes for earlier releases. [`import/cache` setting]: ./ [`import/ignore` setting]: ./ [`import/extensions` setting]: ./ [`import/parsers` setting]: ./ [`import/core-modules` setting]: ./ [`import/external-module-folders` setting]: ./ [`no-unresolved`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-deprecated`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-commonjs`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-amd`]: ./docs/rules/ [`namespace`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-namespace`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-named-default`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-named-as-default`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-named-as-default-member`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-extraneous-dependencies`]: ./docs/rules/ [`extensions`]: ./docs/rules/ [`first`]: ./docs/rules/ [`imports-first`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-nodejs-modules`]: ./docs/rules/ [`order`]: ./docs/rules/ [`named`]: ./docs/rules/ [`default`]: ./docs/rules/ [`export`]: ./docs/rules/ [`newline-after-import`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-mutable-exports`]: ./docs/rules/ [`prefer-default-export`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-restricted-paths`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-absolute-path`]: ./docs/rules/ [`max-dependencies`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-internal-modules`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-dynamic-require`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-webpack-loader-syntax`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-unassigned-import`]: ./docs/rules/ [`unambiguous`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-anonymous-default-export`]: ./docs/rules/ [`exports-last`]: ./docs/rules/ [`group-exports`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-self-import`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-default-export`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-useless-path-segments`]: ./docs/rules/ [`no-cycle`]: ./docs/rules/ [`memo-parser`]: ./memo-parser/ [#​1068]: `` [#​1046]: `` [#​944]: `` [#​908]: `` [#​891]: `` [#​889]: `` [#​880]: `` [#​858]: `` [#​843]: `` [#​871]: `` [#​744]: `` [#​742]: `` [#​737]: `` [#​727]: `` [#​721]: `` [#​712]: `` [#​696]: `` [#​685]: `` [#​680]: `` [#​654]: `` [#​639]: `` [#​632]: `` [#​630]: `` [#​628]: `` [#​596]: `` [#​586]: `` [#​578]: `` [#​568]: `` [#​555]: `` [#​538]: `` [#​527]: `` [#​509]: `` [#​508]: `` [#​503]: `` [#​499]: `` [#​489]: `` [#​485]: `` [#​461]: `` [#​449]: `` [#​444]: `` [#​428]: `` [#​395]: `` [#​371]: `` [#​365]: `` [#​359]: `` [#​343]: `` [#​332]: `` [#​322]: `` [#​321]: `` [#​316]: `` [#​308]: `` [#​298]: `` [#​297]: `` [#​296]: `` [#​290]: `` [#​289]: `` [#​288]: `` [#​287]: `` [#​278]: `` [#​261]: `` [#​256]: `` [#​254]: `` [#​250]: `` [#​247]: `` [#​245]: `` [#​243]: `` [#​241]: `` [#​239]: `` [#​228]: `` [#​211]: `` [#​164]: `` [#​157]: `` [#​314]: `` [#​912]: `` [#​1058]: `` [#​931]: `` [#​886]: `` [#​863]: `` [#​842]: `` [#​839]: `` [#​720]: `` [#​686]: `` [#​671]: `` [#​660]: `` [#​653]: `` [#​627]: `` [#​620]: `` [#​609]: `` [#​604]: `` [#​602]: `` [#​601]: `` [#​592]: `` [#​577]: `` [#​570]: `` [#​567]: `` [#​566]: `` [#​545]: `` [#​530]: `` [#​529]: `` [#​519]: `` [#​507]: `` [#​484]: `` [#​478]: `` [#​456]: `` [#​453]: `` [#​452]: `` [#​447]: `` [#​441]: `` [#​423]: `` [#​416]: `` [#​415]: `` [#​402]: `` [#​386]: `` [#​373]: `` [#​370]: `` [#​348]: `` [#​342]: `` [#​328]: `` [#​317]: `` [#​313]: `` [#​311]: `` [#​306]: `` [#​286]: `` [#​283]: `` [#​281]: `` [#​275]: `` [#​272]: `` [#​270]: `` [#​267]: `` [#​266]: `` [#​216]: `` [#​214]: `` [#​210]: `` [#​200]: `` [#​192]: `` [#​191]: `` [#​189]: `` [#​170]: `` [#​155]: `` [#​119]: `` [#​89]: `` [Unreleased]: [2.11.0]: [2.10.0]: [2.9.0]: [2.8.0]: [2.7.0]: [2.6.1]: [2.6.0]: [2.5.0]: [2.4.0]: [2.3.0]: [2.2.0]: [2.1.0]: [2.0.1]: [2.0.0]: [1.16.0]: [1.15.0]: [1.14.0]: [1.13.0]: [1.12.0]: [1.11.1]: [1.11.0]: [1.10.3]: [1.10.2]: [1.10.1]: [1.10.0]: [1.9.2]: [1.9.1]: [1.9.0]: [1.8.1]: [1.8.0]: [1.7.0]: [1.6.1]: [1.6.0]: [1.5.0]: [1.4.0]: [1.3.0]: [1.2.0]: [1.1.0]: [1.0.4]: [1.0.3]: [1.0.2]: [1.0.1]: [1.0.0]: [1.0.0-beta.0]: [0.13.0]: [0.12.2]: [0.12.1]: [0.12.0]: [0.11.0]: [@​mathieudutour]: [@​gausie]: [@​singles]: [@​jfmengels]: [@​lo1tuma]: [@​dmnd]: [@​lemonmade]: [@​jimbolla]: [@​jquense]: [@​jonboiser]: [@​taion]: [@​strawbrary]: [@​SimenB]: [@​josh]: [@​borisyankov]: [@​gavriguy]: [@​jkimbo]: [@​le0nik]: [@​scottnonnenberg]: [@​sindresorhus]: [@​ljharb]: [@​rhettlivingston]: [@​zloirock]: [@​rhys-vdw]: [@​wKich]: [@​tizmagik]: [@​knpwrs]: [@​spalger]: [@​preco21]: [@​skyrpex]: [@​fson]: [@​ntdb]: [@​jakubsta]: [@​wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg]: [@​duncanbeevers]: [@​giodamelio]: [@​ntdb]: [@​ramasilveyra]: [@​sompylasar]: [@​kevin940726]: [@​eelyafi]: [@​mastilver]: [@​jseminck]: [@​laysent]: [@​k15a]: [@​mplewis]: [@​rosswarren]: [@​alexgorbatchev]: [@​tihonove]: [@​robertrossmann]: [@​isiahmeadows]: [@​graingert]: [@​danny-andrews]: [@​fengkfengk]: [@​futpib]: [@​klimashkin]: [@​lukeapage]: [@​manovotny]: [@​mattijsbliek]: ---
Commits #### v2.9.0 - [`a9bee1a`]( Merge pull request #​727 from giodamelio/feature-no-self-import - [`43083e0`]( Merge pull request #​672 from dplusic/bugfix/extensions - [`9ce605d`]( [Tests] put newer builds at the top - [`2aef76e`]( Merge pull request #​775 from shinnn/rimraf - [`697afb2`]( Merge pull request #​845 from daltones/patch-2 - [`bac9794`]( Merge pull request #​977 from fatfisz/no-anonymous-call-default-export - [`6c567e8`]( eslint-import-resolver-node: [deps] update `debug`, `resolve` - [`2470ed7`]( eslint-import-resolver-node: [dev deps] update `chai`, `mocha`, `nyc` - [`359a200`]( [Tests] test resolvers in CI separately - [`b131b2c`]( eslint-import-resolver-node: v0.3.2 - [`0d44914`]( eslint-import-resolver-webpack: v0.8.4 - [`a56c1c0`]( Add URL to rule documentation to the metadata - [`3ea1050`]( Move URL generation to a function - [`60335bb`]( Support optional commit hash argument to docsUrl and add tests - [`fe03d72`]( Use commit hash for imports-first documentation link - [`f12b6d0`]( Fix require of first in imports-first - [`c05cddb`]( Fix direct link to a file - [`1e980af`]( Merge pull request #​998 from Arcanemagus/rules-docs-url - [`c9269be`]( `order`: [docs] Change 1st order's example's label to valid value - [`c8d5e03`]( Check for TSModuleDeclarations - [`7f35a3e`]( Expanded/improved TS tests - [`69084df`]( Latest typescript and typescript-eslint-parser - [`655c33d`]( Merge pull request #​958 from spencerhakim/ts-nodes - [`fa24082`]( Use link to tagged version for rule docs - [`b08bd3e`]( Merge pull request #​1005 from sudo-suhas/docs-link-tagged - [`bae618c`]( Add example of how to add import/resolver config to settings - [`7852cd7`]( Merge pull request #​1008 from Kiwka/patch-1 - [`364e841`]( Add test case for import/resolve extensions order - [`bc50394`]( Merge pull request #​1009 from silvenon/extensions - [`fdcd4d9`]( Add a .coffee test proving extension resolve order - [`3268a82`]( Merge pull request #​1010 from silvenon/extensions - [`ab49972`]( Support export declarations in extensions rule - [`219a8d2`]( Merge pull request #​1012 from silvenon/extensions-export - [`0e729c7`]( no-self-import is unreleased - [`91cfd6d`]( Merge pull request #​1022 from nevir/patch-1 - [`8778d7c`]( Fixes #​1023 - Load exceptions in user resolvers are not reported - [`9b20a78`]( Upgraded "find-root" and "lodash.get" for the webpack resolver - [`654d284`]( Merge pull request #​1024 from patrick-steele-idem/issue-1023 - [`ff3d883`]( Merge pull request #​1025 from patrick-steele-idem/update-dependencies - [`5b0777d`]( Add `no-default-export` + docs/tests (#​936) - [`ae5a031`]( Missed a link - [`0231c78`]( Merge pull request #​1026 from isiahmeadows/patch-1 - [`180d71a`]( bump plugin to v2.9.0 - [`7f8f543`]( Fix eslint-import-resolver-webpack with pnpm (#​968) - [`5be3f4a`]( changelog note for #​968 #### v2.10.0 - [`220f209`]( Merge branch 'release' - [`1f4ef02`]( add changelog for no-useless-path-segments - [`44a038c`]( Merge pull request #​1030 from graingert/patch-2 - [`402c60a`]( [Fix] `group-exports`: use module.exports, not export default - [`59ea30e`]( Header-ify rule categories for easy linking - [`196c238`]( Merge pull request #​1036 from nevir/patch-1 - [`f12f2a7`]( Fixes #​656 - Should handle object-rest properties in `namespace` - [`1a084cc`]( Add tests - [`158f4e8`]( Merge pull request #​1039 from preco21/namespace-crash-fix - [`0844645`]( Add missing env variable for webpack config - [`4b311ac`]( Add Unit test using env option - [`efa1723`]( adds more examples to the import/extensions rule docs - [`5f7ecd3`]( Merge pull request #​1044 from botify-labs/add-missing-env-variable-in-webpack-config - [`8c19fb4`]( Merge pull request #​1045 from petegleeson/master - [`84b34e8`]( [Docs] fixes problem with weird highlighting - [`1eac942`]( Merge pull request #​1048 from petegleeson/master - [`5fa2851`]( wip: no-cycle support with general dependency "imports" map in ExportMap - [`0c21c4e`]( sublime-linter project tweaks - [`f7c48b5`]( no-cycle: real rule! first draft, perf is likely atrocious - [`314c0b7`]( fix issue (and add conspicuously absent test) with 'export *' - [`864dbcf`]( no-cycle: explicit CJS/AMD tests - [`6933fa4`]( no-cycle: initial docs + maxDepth option - [`d81f48a`]( no-cycle: maxDepth tests + docs - [`ad66aea`]( smh. - [`231874c`]( update eslint-import-resolver-webpack homepage to the source of the package (#​997) - [`e215b61`]( try solution from appveyor/ci#​650 - [`b34d9ff`]( Add autofixer for order rule (#​908) - [`ab44320`]( changelog notes - [`ed719a3`]( Merge branch 'no-cycles' - [`82f67e6`]( bump utils to v2.2.0 - [`6356a78`]( bump to v2.10.0 - [`47ac30f`]( bump webpack resolver to v0.9.0 #### v2.11.0 - [`f3ff68f`]( Merge pull request #​1055 from benmosher/release-2.10.0 - [`6fe78a9`]( Webpack -> webpack - [`a2acbde`]( add fixer for `first` (#​1046) - [`48d0a8a`]( changelog note for #​1046 - [`ee15fa4`]( Merge pull request #​880 from futpib/no-commonjs-allow-require - [`19fc3df`]( [Fix] `no-cycle`: `create` must *always* return an object, even if there’s no listeners - [`f13f18e`]( minor typo in import/no-cycle rule docs - [`80d1ceb`]( Merge pull request #​1065 from sharmilajesupaul/minor-typo-fix - [`37bd542`]( Adds no-useless-path-segments documentation. - [`5569a8c`]( Updates changelog. - [`d8077c8`]( Merge pull request #​1064 from ljharb/fix_no_cycle - [`fb8e1e5`]( [patch] use `resolve` instead of `builtin-modules` - [`f0b4f3e`]( Merge pull request #​1069 from ljharb/resolve - [`72ed0b8`]( add dynamic import webpackChunkName comment rule - [`c9d7d66`]( update README - [`121b9e1`]( Update recommended.js (#​1066) - [`55ee74c`]( Fix link to order autofixer in CHANGELOG - [`4d0c799`]( Merge pull request #​1068 from manovotny/no-useless-path-segments-documentation - [`2495356`]( Merge pull request #​1073 from swrobel/patch-1 - [`e6e4e98`]( respond to PR feedback - [`9be016f`]( replace includes() with an indexOf() call, add test cases for multiple import functions - [`115b6fb`]( remove AST selectors - [`cfd4377`]( Merge pull request #​1070 from byteme980/dynamic-import-chunkname-rule

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.