algolia / docsearch-scraper

DocSearch - Scraper
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unable to run the scraper on local url #574

Open rubai99 opened 1 year ago

rubai99 commented 1 year ago

hey, I am trying to run the scraper on my Local . In my config when I given the url which is live then the scraper indexing my document , but when I change the url to local url it's don't scrape the documentation . I convert the local port url to ngrock url and still don't scrape not indexing but for prod live url it's working fine (somewhere giving same result more then one on search hits) .

In local it's indexing only normal HTML content and some script and css but not the content of my document which is build by JavaScript .

here is my config file ` { "index_name": "payment-page", "js_render": true, "js_wait": 10, "use_anchors": false, "user_agent": "Custom Bot", "start_urls": [ "", "", "",



"sitemap_alternate_links": false,
"selectors": {
  "lvl0":"h1,.screen2 h2 , .heading-text" ,
  "lvl1": "h3, .label" ,
  "lvl2": ".key-header, .step-card-header-text, .th-row",
  "text":".screen2 p:not(:empty), .hero-welcome, .screen2 li, .main-screen, .only-steps p:not(:empty),td"
"strip_chars": " .,;:#",
"custom_settings": {
  "separatorsToIndex": "_",
  "attributesForFaceting": [
  "attributesToRetrieve": [
  "synonyms": [

} `

used the commend to run the Scraper docker run -it --env-file=/my/clone/scraper/located/path/.env -e "CONFIG=$(cat config.json | jq -r tostring)" d2ebdc22bee2a9f6513e68457d9a3825850f325449a225bc6cde1a1f7339e1e4

my changes (have to made the changes for rendering JS content on my documentation , before facing same issue for lived url also) `import re import os from selenium import webdriver

from import Options from ..custom_downloader_middleware import CustomDownloaderMiddleware from ..js_executor import JsExecutor

class BrowserHandler: @staticmethod def conf_need_browser(config_original_content, js_render): group_regex = re.compile(r'(\?P<(.+?)>.+?)') results = re.findall(group_regex, config_original_content)

    return len(results) > 0 or js_render

def init(config_original_content, js_render, user_agent):
    driver = None

    if BrowserHandler.conf_need_browser(config_original_content,
        chrome_options = Options()

        # CHROMEDRIVER_PATH = os.environ.get('CHROMEDRIVER_PATH',
        #                                    "/usr/bin/chromedriver")
        # if not os.path.isfile(CHROMEDRIVER_PATH):
        #     raise Exception(
        #         "Env CHROMEDRIVER_PATH='{}' is not a path to a file".format(
        #             CHROMEDRIVER_PATH))
        driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://host.docker.internal:4444', options=chrome_options)
        CustomDownloaderMiddleware.driver = driver
        JsExecutor.driver = driver
    return driver

def destroy(driver):
    # Start browser if needed
    if driver is not None:
        driver = None

    return driver


output after run the scraper

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 12 48 03 AM