algolia / eslint-config-algolia

Algolia's ESLint config and prettier instructions for JavaScript projects
MIT License
27 stars 7 forks source link

Add angular rules #81

Closed vvo closed 3 years ago

vvo commented 6 years ago

In the same spirit of Vue support, could we support Angular in our eslint? I have no idea what's necessary, any hint @iam4x?

iam4x commented 6 years ago

The tooling for TypeScript is different, we use another tool called tslint and with this config for Angular InstantSearch:

  "extends": [
  "rulesDirectory": [
  "rules": {
    "prettier": true,
    "no-submodule-imports": false,
    "import-name": false
  "cliOptions": {
    "exclude": [

We could maybe create a tsling-config-algolia for every TypeScript projects at Algolia? (cc @alexandremeunier @proudlygeek @JonasBa)