algolia / gatsby-plugin-algolia

A plugin to push to Algolia based on graphQl queries
Apache License 2.0
177 stars 45 forks source link

Partial Updates ACLs #72

Closed eshlox closed 4 years ago

eshlox commented 4 years ago

Do I need any additional ACL for partial updates? According to the documentation, addObject should be enough:

Required API Key: any key with the addObject ACL

My index ACLs:



9:20:11 AM: Algolia: query 0: executing query
9:20:11 AM: Algolia: query 0: graphql resulted in 67 records
9:20:11 AM: Algolia: query 0: starting Partial updates
9:20:12 AM: 
9:20:12 AM: error failed to index to Algolia
9:20:12 AM: 
9:20:12 AM: 
9:20:12 AM: 
9:20:12 AM:   AlgoliaSearchError: Method not allowed with this API key
9:20:12 AM:   
9:20:12 AM:   - AlgoliaSearchCore.js:377 success
9:20:12 AM:     [repo]/[gatsby-plugin-algolia]/[algoliasearch]/src/AlgoliaSearchCore.js:377:    32
9:20:12 AM:   
9:20:12 AM:   - runMicrotasks
9:20:12 AM:   
9:20:12 AM:   - task_queues.js:97 processTicksAndRejections
9:20:12 AM:     internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5
9:20:12 AM:   
9:20:12 AM: 
9:20:12 AM: 
9:20:12 AM: not finished onPostBuild - 1.363s

gatsby-config.js, query data

eshlox commented 4 years ago

Search API logs are quite useful! Partial updates require browse ACL.


It works now.