algolia / gatsby-plugin-algolia

A plugin to push to Algolia based on graphQl queries
Apache License 2.0
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Creating multiple records for a single document #74

Closed AlanFoster closed 4 years ago

AlanFoster commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm following the walkthrough from:

The walkthrough shows how to create search terms for a single blog post.

The solution creates multiple records from a single blog post on Algolia without an objectId, and removes duplication via the slug attribute via the index's settings.

  slug: post.fields.slug,
  title: post.frontmatter.title,
  excerpt: post.frontmatter.excerpt,

However This doesn't work in the latest release of gatsby-plugin-algolia due to the following check added in

    if (objects.length > 0 && !objects[0].objectID) {
        `failed to index to Algolia. Query results do not have 'objectID' key`

When adding the objectId:


This causes the last write to Algolia to win, and it removes the duplicate search records for the same blog post. This means there's now one record for each blog post, the last one, rather than multiple search snippets for each post as required.

Is the approach taken by the video the correct solution for chunking blog posts into multiple search terms on Algolia? Or is there a regression in the library

Haroenv commented 4 years ago

If you are splitting a single node into multiple, you need to also split the id, for example with the index. In pseudo code:

splitIntoChunks(singleObject).map((item, index) => ({...item, objectID: + '-' + index,}));

This is indeed needed to be able to differentiate between every "part" of the item.

This is not a bug in the library, but rather a fix, since without object id, partial updates won't work and will still need an update on every item.

AlanFoster commented 4 years ago
