algolia / jekyll-algolia

Add fast and relevant search to your Jekyll site
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Question for launching jekyll algolia #113

Open FeynmanZhou opened 5 years ago

FeynmanZhou commented 5 years ago


I got an error when launch the jekyll algolia, could you pls help to resolve it:

What is the current behavior?

ALGOLIA_API_KEY='xxxx' bundle exec jekyll algolia Configuration file: /Users/zhoupengfei/GitFolder/Test/docs/qingcloud-product-docs/_config.yml Processing site... Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts Extracting records... [✗ Error] No records found

The jekyll-algolia plugin could find any records to index

The plugin tried to extract records from the pages, posts and collections of your site but could not find anything to index.

Make sure you did not exclude too many files from indexing using the files_to_exclude option. You are currently excluding the following files: index.html, index.markdown, index.mkdown, index.mkdn, index.mkd,

Also double check that your current value for nodes_to_index can actually match something in the pages. You are current indexing the following nodes: p

Note that all the markup that is defined in the layouts won't be available during extraction. Only the page content can be accessed. So if you defined a layout markup that is used only for one page, you should move it to the page instead.

Git repository to reproduce the issue:

It's in internal gitlab... ### Ruby version used:

ruby 2.5.0p0 (2017-12-25 revision 61468) [x86_64-darwin17]

Jekyll version used:


FeynmanZhou commented 5 years ago

@pixelastic Hi Carry, any suggestions? Need your help. Thanks.

julienbourdeau commented 5 years ago

Hi @FeynmanZhou,

Unfortunately, this would be very hard to debug without more information. Can you setup an reproducable example app ? If you can dig into the plugin and narrow down what's happening, this would really help.

FeynmanZhou commented 5 years ago

Hi @julienbourdeau ,

Fine, I will reproduce an example in a server then let you know, most appreciate of you!

FeynmanZhou commented 5 years ago

@julienbourdeau Hi Julien, I have sent you an email for for reproduce. Could you pls help to check.