algolia / react-instantsearch

⚡️ Lightning-fast search for React and React Native applications, by Algolia.
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Style customisation API #263

Closed mthuret closed 1 year ago

mthuret commented 6 years ago

When designing our widgets we choose to only give the ability to override their style using our BEM classnames.

This has limitations: you can't add your own classnames and use Bootstrap-like css framework. See

We also have some limitations with the usage of CSS-In-JS librairies like describe here:

Finally, if we decide to add some React Native widget, overriding inline style would also become an issue.

Here's a little summary of what's possible, what we could do depending of each way

Bootstrap-like framework:

Without the ability to add classnames, it requires the usage of connectors and therefore redoing everything. Also, this API will not fix everything as sometimes the markup will not correspond with the one of our widget.

=> the idea of the needed API is given a default class, returned the new one(s). I'm not sure this be at the InstantSearch level but at the widget level for a better clarity.

Could be like @vvo proposed a prop 'toCssClassName':

    (params, defaultBemClassName) => { // params: object, defaultBemClassName: function
      // params.block: 'pagination'
      // params.element 'root'
      // params.modifier
      // Pagination__root
     return params.block + '--' + params.element + '  cool-root'; // we're sending two css class names

Styled component

You can already use Style Component with React InstantSearch but it requires the need of wrapper.

If we want to optimise this, then the prop className should be forwarded to every widget and apply on a root div that is not the one having 'ais-XXX__root' (otherwise style for this classname will not be applied). Not every widgets have this extra div, so it'll mean breaking changes.


It can be used by injecting global css, they have an API for that

Inline style

Same issue than for the class name override. It would require the same API but instead of returning a string, it would return an object and be applied as a style.

Css module

It works by just importing a new css file.

If I miss something, please feel free to add it to the discussion.

In the end, It will require only one API entry. I'm not sure the Styled Component modification should be done yet.

I'm also thinking that maybe the react-themeable approach we used at first was not that bad and we should considering putting it back? You could write things like:

const theme = { //inline style
  foo: {
    color: 'red'
  bar: {
    color: 'blue'

<MyComponent theme={theme} />
const theme = { //global css
  foo: 'MyComponent__foo',
  bar: 'MyComponent__bar'
<MyComponent theme={theme} />


vvo commented 6 years ago

That's some massive research and API proposal, GG!

You can already use Style Component with React InstantSearch but it requires the need of wrapper.

Do we already have an example of that? Mostly curious


It can be used by injecting global css, they have an API for that

Any small example?

I'm not sure the Styled Component modification should be done yet.

Provide an example so we can better understand the struggle versus your proposal, thanks!

I'm also thinking that maybe the react-themeable approach we used at first was not that bad and we should considering putting it back? WDYT?

This looks like a good solution. We got away of react themeable mostly because it was complex to understand everything it was doing, we thought we might just remove it and add something else later (which is now).

If we address via custom APIS and guides:

Then we will be in a good state already.

Seems that material ui recently revamped their styling customization:, @oliviertassinari any comments to help us here from you is welcomed. Your experience and user feedback from material ui is appreciated.

oliviertassinari commented 6 years ago

@vvo Thanks for the introduction, I can speak for the tradeoffs we have chosen for Material-UI.

we choose to only give the ability to override their style using our BEM classnames

We have explicitly removed this option in order to be able to optimize our class names length in production. But we lose this no brainer override option.

The most interesting part from Material-UI would be the classes property section of the documentation. Let's take the Button as an example. The component has some nested elements as well as some internal state. Providing a className property is not enough. With the classes property users can inject their own style. The list is automatically generated here

oliviertassinari commented 6 years ago

We also have an even more powerful override mechanism that relies on the context to change the style even before it's injected into the DOM. But it's probably not relevant here.

mthuret commented 6 years ago

About a better integration of css frameworks: after discussing this with @vvo we came to the conclusion that using a css framework shouldn't be difficult. It is now because we compute a lot of logic directly in our widgets (Like the Pagination one) where we could ultimately compute those under the connector.

Instead of providing a mapping classnames API what we are proposing to do is:

inxilpro commented 6 years ago

I started to play around with adding 3 levels of customization to the class name generator:

  1. Set a custom prefix
import { setPrefix } from 'react-instantsearch/components/classNames';
// now ais-HierarchicalMenu__root is foo-HierarchicalMenu__root
  1. Add a class mapper:
import { setClassMapper } from 'react-instantsearch/components/classNames';
const myMap = {
  'ais-HierarchicalMenu__root': 'my-menu-root instantsearch-component'
setClassMapper(className => myMap[className] || className);
  1. Override formatter
import cx from 'classnames';
import { setFormatter } from 'react-instantsearch/components/classNames';
setFormatter((block, elements) => ({
  className: cx(
      .filter(element => element !== undefined && element !== false)
      .map(element => `myapp-${block}-${element}`)

A basic implementation:

This is a pretty easy fix that adds a ton of customization options without too much rethinking of the library.

inxilpro commented 6 years ago

If, for example, you wanted to use tailwind-css, you could do something like:

import cx from 'classnames';
import { setFormatter } from 'react-instantsearch/components/classNames';

const map = {
  'HierarchicalMenu': {
    'root': 'flex flex-1',
    'itemLink': 'text-blue uppercase no-underline',
    'itemCount': 'float-right text-white rounded bg-grey p-2',

setFormatter((block, elements) => ({
  className: cx(
      .filter(element => element !== undefined && element !== false)
      .map(element => map[block] && map[block][element]
        ? map[block][element]
        : `${block}-${element}`
sarahdayan commented 1 year ago


We're doing a round of clean up before migrating this repository to the new InstantSearch monorepo. This issue seems not to have generated much activity lately and to be mostly solved, so we're going to close it.

In React InstantSearch Hooks, all widgets accept props of their wrapping elements, so you can easily use them with libraries like Styled Components. Here's an example that uses Styled Components and even set inline styles on the <StyledHits>:

Otherwise, for usage with utility CSS like TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Tachyons, etc., you can use the classNames option on each widget.