algolia / scout-extended

Scout Extended: The Full Power of Algolia in Laravel
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Honor makeAllSearchableUsing() in Aggregator? #342

Open sgilberg opened 1 month ago

sgilberg commented 1 month ago


First time experimenting with the Aggregator feature, and it's quite nice. However, I'm also a fan of the makeAllSearchableUsing() method in Scout which can implement a more specific query. (I'm aware that $relations can be used for eager loading and shouldBeSearchable() can be used to filter out results, but in my use case, the filtering logic relies on the result of a separate query, and this would create an n+1 query performance issue that would be resolved by putting the conditional logic in the main query to pull all searchable models.) The makeAllSearchable() method on the Aggregator class does not appear to honor the makeAllSearchableUsing() in the individual models the way the makeAllSearchable() method on the main Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait does.

I'm posing this as a question for discussion, because I realize that honoring any such makeAllSearchableUsing() methods in the individual models could be an undesirable behavior and/or breaking change for some folks (if they are using different logic in the individual index and the aggregator). Ideally there would be a way to optionally honor these methods, or perhaps to define them in the Aggregator class itself. I'm currently overriding the makeAllSearchable() method in the Aggregator class and chaining in that additional step along the lines of what the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait does (note that this requires making the makeAllSearchableUsing() method public in the source model, otherwise it's not accessible to the Aggregator):


namespace App\Search;

use Algolia\ScoutExtended\Searchable\Aggregator;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Laravel\Scout\Events\ModelsImported;

class MyAggregator extends Aggregator
     * The names of the models that should be aggregated.
     * @var string[]
    protected $models = [

     * Make all instances of the model searchable.
     * @return void
    public static function makeAllSearchable()
        foreach ((new static)->getModels() as $model) {
            $instance = new $model;

            $softDeletes =
                in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model)) && config('scout.soft_delete', false);

            // Added these two lines to determine if there's a public 'makeAllSearchableUsing' method in the model instance)
            $makeAllSearchableUsingReflection = new \ReflectionMethod($instance, 'makeAllSearchableUsing');
            $applyMakeAllSearchableUsing = $makeAllSearchableUsingReflection->isPublic();

            $instance->newQuery()->when($softDeletes, function ($query) {
            })->when($applyMakeAllSearchableUsing, function ($query) use ($instance) { // Added these two lines
            })->orderBy($instance->getKeyName())->chunk(config('scout.chunk.searchable', 500), function ($models) {
                $models = $models->map(function ($model) {
                    return static::create($model);


                event(new ModelsImported($models));

I don't love doing it this way, since it's possible the underlying makeAllSearchable logic will change in future updates and this code will need to be kept in sync. Perhaps there's a more elegant way to do this? Could we add an optionally extendable makeAllSearchableUsing method on the Aggregator class itself?

Steps To Reproduce

See above